When you're an adult working a full-time job, you quickly realize you don't have a ton of time for anything else. Being an adult is all about making appointments and getting things done, right? Then why is it so hard to do that? We're at the office for 8 hours a day, and when we get home we barely have enough time to make dinner and chill out, and that's even if you don't have a separate endeavor, let alone children. The days often escape us, and priorities get reshuffled. Why would I use my precious me-time to go to the dentist? I hate the dentist!
It's one of those things that doesn't quite make sense about being a grown-up. We need to rethink society in a major way (on a few points). But that's what Twitter is for. Complaining and dreaming, but mainly complaining. Get in on this relatable thread.