Taylor Swift has broken hundreds of records in the past year. She's won awards, put on an epic tour, and has single-handedly offset the environmentally conscious efforts of every first-world human by flying a private jet to every new location. For those of us rinsing the tomato crust out of the recyclable cans in our bin, it's disheartening to see anyone's private jet blasting across the country, negating our 'greenest' efforts in an instant. What's the point of trying to be environmentally conscious when the 1%ers use private jets to get everywhere? When I'm buying $8 veggies in an attempt to shop local and cutting Amazon deliveries out of my convenient routine in order to reduce emission waste, Taylor craves a Taco Bell at 2am and hops on the tarmac to fly for 13 minutes to the nearest drive-through.
So as you're watching the cardboard straw dissolve in your iced coffee, scroll through this batch of memes that take a stab at CO2 emissions and other environmental disasters that we regular folks have no control over.