Welcome back internet aficionados. It's 2024, the most progressive the world has ever been. Every construct is being challenged, questioned, and debated. The youth of the age are dismantling what it means to be a man, woman, and what it means to be in a relationship. Many people are just moving in and having kids without being married. The constructs of the past are being thrown away with an heir of indifference and ambivalence. With polyamory and open relationships becoming more and more normal everyday, you can never suspect what's next.
In this particular story, a woman getting married chooses a path away from tradition. In a traditional wedding, the father walks his daughter down the aisle, representing his giving her away. This woman decides to have her mother walk her down, due to the nature of her relationship with both parents. A logical and reasonable decision. Where does tradition have a place in pain? Enjoy this Reddit thread with a feminist twist.
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