20. Horse masks paired with pretty much anything.
You'll see plenty of these folks around this year. It is i-neigh-vitable. -
19. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Taker.
A simple take on the hallmark pop culture event of 2014. A few months ago, everyone was dumping cold water on their heads to raise money for ALS research from celebrities, to pro athletes, to heads of state. Given its enormous popularity in 2014, it will likely see one last hurrah in costume form on October 31. -
18. Groot.
This one will popular amongst the "go all out" types this Halloween. It may take quite a bit of extra work, but it will all definitely probably pay off in the end... maybe... -
17. Emmet from 'The LEGO Movie.'
Chris Pratt characters are all the rage this year, so if you have some extra cardboard and extra costume-making time (a la Groot), then get your block on! -
16. Oberyn Martell.
The Red Viper has all the makings of a perfect Halloween costume: he wears a simple yellow robe, he is (was) a fan favorite, and his particularly gruesome death at the (literal) hands of The Mountain makes for some... ahem... creative head makeup. Splorch. -
15. Maleficent.
A 48% on the Tomatometer didn't stop this Disney spinoff from spinning its way to three quarters of a billion dollars at the worldwide box office this year. Plus, Angelina Jolie's performance as Sleeping Beauty's old nemesis was basically the only bright spot of the entire film. Goth chicks rejoice: this one's for you! -
14. The Ebola doctor.
Okay, we're getting into "not cool, bro" territory here. Legions of Breaking Bad fans will be repurposing their Walter White costumes into the brave men and women who are combating the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history as we speak. It's a costume that's all kinds of "too soon," but since when did social sensitivity stop anyone? Speaking of which... -
13. The Ebola victim.
It's inevitable, really. Somewhere, some insensitive douche is going to think it's a hoot to dress as one of the thousands of victims the deadly hemorrhagic fever has claimed this year. The sad thing is that, if confronted, they can just pass off the costume as them being a zombie, which is probably who they should have dressed up as in the first place. Better to just be a zombie and save yourself from becoming the next Boston Bombing victim girl. -
12. Piper Chapman from 'Orange is the New Black.'
Everyone's favorite inmate will make for an ideal quick and cheap costume this year. Orange V-neck shirt? Check! Orange pants? Check! Boom! Good to go. Plus when you have to pee from drinking too many blood-tinis, you can totally pretend you're in this scene:
11. Drax the Destroyer.
This year's spiritual successor to Bane is Drax, and you can take him one of two ways: go with the retro green skin seen above, or the more modern Bautista blue version. Just be prepared for filthy casuals to yell "HULK SMASH" at you while you stare in bewilderment at their idiocy (although that might actually go along well with Drax's character). -
10. Yondu Udonta.
Those who are feeling the blue instead of the green this year are bound to go for Yondu a.k.a. Blue Merle Dixon. Also, if you decide you don't want to be Star-Lord at the last minute, you can quickly switch to Yondu because they basically dress the same. Pleasant bonus! -
9. Rust Cohle from 'True Detective.'
Long hair, biker 'stache, grey button down shirt, and bam! If you're drinking beer out of a can at a party, don't forget to smash it while saying "time is a flat circle" when you're done with it. Texas accent optional. -
8. Finn and Fionna from 'Adventure Time.'
Besides Adventure Time's continuing popularity, the staying power of the Finn/Fionna costume can be attributed to the fact that it consists mostly of stuff you already have lying around: a blue shirt, blue shorts, and rolled up white socks. The hat and backpack are trickier, but no more so than your average get-up. -
7. Bob Belcher from 'Bob's Burgers.'
A 1 on the easiness scale pretty much guarantees popularity. Tailor-made for those of you who want to sound like H. Jon Benjamin but can't get your hands on a tactleneck. -
6. Tina Belcher from 'Bob's Burgers.'
Warm up your man-voices, ladies! Don't have the blond hair for Fionna? Just rock the blue shirt and blue shorts with big hipster glasses! Just don't go around touching everyone's butts, as they probably won't appreciate it very much. -
5. Gamora.
Body paint enthusiasts won't be out of ideas this year thanks to Guardians of the Galaxy. All you need is some green paint, a magenta wig, and some snazzy blue leather and you're good to go. -
4. The 12th Doctor.
Peter Capaldi called it "simple, stark, and back to basics," while Doctor Who boss Steven Moffat described it as "no frills, no scarf, no messing, just 100% rebel time lord." Perfect. -
3. Star-Lord.
Dust off those old Sony Walkmans, because they're an essential part of what is sure to be one of this year's most popular costumes. Better get your burgundy leather jackets early, folks. -
2. Deadpool.
Because Deadpool. -
1. Elsa.
Frozen was released on November 27, 2013, a full month after Halloween last year, which means no one had the opportunity to dress up as their favorite Snow Queen. What does that mean for this year? Elsa. A whole freakin' lot of Elsa. Also, the fact that it's a costume that's widely available commercially, easy to make at home, and workable for all ages means that Halloween parties this year are going to be a veritable sea of cyan dresses and platinum hair. -
Actual Number 1. The Joker.
It's about time that we faced facts: Jokers will be out in force on Halloween until the end of time. As long as there are angry teenage boys who take themselves way too seriously, there will be Jokers. In the year 3014, some doofus with green matted hair and slobbed-on white makeup will slither into a space-house party and whisper "why so serious?" to the first partygoer they encounter. And everyone will groan in awkward uneasiness and be like "dude, just get out of here."
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