Welcome back internet aficionados. We all know the annoyance and frustration when someone wears the same dress as us at a function. It's embarrassing, it makes you paranoid about people comparing how it looks on you, and it's just uncomfortable. Now, it may not be pleasant, but it's nothing compared to a family member naming their baby the same name you want to name yours.
In this particular Reddit story, the original poster (OP) and her husband have been talking about these names for a while. They've struggled to have kids, and when they finally got pregnant, they knew with certainty what they wanted to name their baby. They talked about it nonstop for a long time, telling friends and family. I can't even imagine the shock when you hear your sister-in-law announce her baby name and it's exactly the same as yours…even down to the middle and last name. Embarrassing much? Read the full story for all the gritty details.
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