"He asked why I couldn't just do it."
Why is it that SAHMs are always getting the short end of the stick? They make sure the house is tidy, do the laundry, and take care of the animals (if applicable), all the while taking care of kiddies who likely aren't in daycare and possess a lot of energy. Dealing with young children can be immensely difficult at times because one must be extra attentive and capable of multitasking well. The children aren't always on our side, which is expected, but with that comes tantrums and the inability to get the bulk of the housework done before the day is over. Some husbands overlook the physical and mental strain being a SAHM can have on a woman.
The SAHM in this story was graciously granted a “vaca” for the day from her motherly duties. She ran errands kid-free during the day and asked her husband about what they should do for dinner. Unsurprisingly, these stories always go in the same direction. The husband hadn't purchased groceries, nor cooked anything, and in the end, the woman asked him to just order something. He did so, yet asked her after the fact why she couldn't just do it instead. She doesn't know if she's in the wrong. Ladies, scroll down to see what others are saying and sound off in the comments. What would you do if you were her?
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