Be careful who you fire, people!
This employee was singlehandedly responsible for the business of two major clients for his company, and when he was unceremoniously dismissed for no good reason, it backfired in a major way. First, the employee had become suspicious that his new manager had some personal connection to the higher-ups at the company after she was swiftly promoted despite not being capable enough to fulfill her prior responsibilities in any way.
When morale tanked at the company, HR organized what was supposed to be a safe meeting where employees could air their grievances about work dynamics. Unfortunately for the Redditor, when he revealed his true thoughts about his manager's incompetence, he ended up being on the company equivalent of a naughty list. He received a few warnings about absolute nonsense and was ultimately fired for "disrespecting" authority. Well, clearly, they didn't realize if this employee was leaving the company, the two clients that help usher in the most business were going to be on their way out as well.
Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. When you're done, check out this post about a bartender's tumultuous final week on the job.
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