‘[One] was just my beard…’: Employee uses annoying company policy as a chance to troll managers with ‘stupid’ pictures, gets exempted from policy

  • 01
    "Company requires pictures at start and end of shift. I take stupid pictures. When we acquired a new system I was the only one exempted from taking pictures..."
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  • 02
    Who's that? S So minor malicious compliance I moved and started a new job about a year ago. My new job had a punch in/out app that required a picture for every punch. I found this a minor annoyance, so i went out of my way to take absurd pictures, twice my manager sent me a pic asking who's that? 1 was taken before i turned the lights on (first one in the building) so was just dark, the other was just my beard and company logo.
  • 03
    About 3 weeks ago we migrated to a new punch app, i had to take a picture for account set up but that's it, i still see everyone else taking pictures when they come in but for some strange reason I've been exempted TLDR • Company requires pictures at start and end of shift. • i take stupid pictures • when we acquired a new system i was the only one exempted from taking pictures.
  • 04
    Munkeyslovebananas 1d ago You might come full malicious compliance circle and find you're exempted from punching in entirely. 267 ⇓ ☐ Reply ... androshalforc1 OP 1d ago • lol, possible but doubtful. I'm past my probationary period, have had great reviews, work well with everyone else here. And while I'm not irreplaceable i am the only one here who does what i do. While my manager (the general manager who previously did my job) I can do it he doesn't have time for it.
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  • 05
    Meincornwall 23h ago I admire this. • During ovid I needed to renew my driving licence, the pic used was shared with my passport, which had expired. Despite my face having not quite expired yet, a new photo was required so I thought 'I'll give you auckin photo then'. There was an extension on applying due to provid so I decided to grow my beard with all my might til the last minute.
  • 06
    Ө I did a fairly impressive job, full hermit beard. Looked like a deranged sheep farmer. Blow dried & back combed it for maximum volume pre pic too. I'm bald, so my photo looks like someone dropped an egg in a bucket of I'll be getting facial recognition hits from bears. ✰ Vote Reply
  • 07
    prpslydistracted ⚫ 11h ago • Had a friend who went from a physically demanding job to IT in his early 30s. His body build changed from athletic to sort of desk job pudgy. He was born a US citizen but went to Greece every couple years to visit extended family. He had a heavily ethnic name he couldn't have been anything else except Greek. His physical appearance changed; he went from classic Greek god to losing his hair so he shaved his head, plus grew a beard. His transition didn't resemble his p
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  • 08
    It was still current so he figured he'd take one more trip on this one before renewing it. He was questioned a lot when he checked in and boarded. He produced passport, DL, association membership, employment ID, insurance card. When he arrived in Athens he had the same problem. Produced all his information again, a supervisor was called over. Stated where he was staying; family had the same last name ... they finally let him go but strongly urged him to get his passport renewed. ;-) ✰ Vote Reply
  • 09
    bolshiabarmalay • 1d ago well played. What is the reason behind picture punching in and out? I know most every rule has a reason, this seems absurd. 38 Reply 1d ago Morghul_Lupercal Probably to prevent coworkers from punching in or out for other workers. My company uses fingerprints. Some people have been exempted for various reasons. My fingerprints kept getting deleted from the system, so i dont have to use my prints any more, just swipe my ID badge
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    theoldman-1313 23h ago It could be that your coworkers just haven't realized that they too could just set up a stock photo. I have my own tale from years ago when I worked at a place that issued picture IDs which you needed to show to get into the building. I was younger then (much, much younger) and immaturely resented that the security guard still wanted to see my badge despite seeing it hundreds of times before. So I found a suitably sized picture of a beagle and taped on top of my picture. I
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    Bobbie McFee 22h ago • This reminds me of doing work at RR (aircraft engines) and needing to wear a tie when visiting. I had a large collection of £5 fun ties I bought in Hong Kong, so I wore a different one to my little lab room each day. I ended up being given some retro RR branded ties to use, and the large amount of visitors I was getting each day was causing disruption and amusement. Vote Reply
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    • night-otter 9h ago We were surprised one day by the requirement have a picture taken for photo id badges. I had just returned from picking up lunch. I was wearing sunglasses and taking a bit of a chicken wing. They wanted the photo right then and there. I left the sunglasses on and held up the wing. That photo went on my badge and was part of my online profile. Vote ☐ Reply
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    YankeeWalrus • 6h ago My work recently transitioned to a new timekeeping app. It requires a PIN or selfie and a password to log in. I immediately thought, "you already have the last SIX digits of my SSN on here so there is no way in I'm giving this future data breach my face" so I set my PIN to my employee number. I don't trust my employers as far as I can throw them when it comes to my PII because they've lost copies of my carry license and driver's license multiple times. Vote ⇓ ☐ Reply
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