Greetings, ladies. We all grew up hooked on Disney. From VHS movies, DVDs with all sorts of special behind-the-scenes activities, to Disney Channel shows and original movies, the big mouse had us high on adventure, castles, adorable animal sidekicks, and romance.While plenty of Disney princesses feature heroic and independent female leads, they do mostly end up with a man anyway-- even if she ends up saving him. Because of this, we all longed for a prince charming and true love from a young age, but eventually, we grew out of it.
Some of us snapped out of it in middle school when boys started to get stinky. Some had the realization in high school when their crush performed the Dougie to ask them to prom instead bringing them flowers. Others realized later in life, through the trials and tribulations of the modern dating scene, that there are no princes and thus learned to life without the expectation of fantasy romance. There are indeed loyal, handsome, and kind men, but they make great partners for already equally independent, loving, and secure women. Prince charming is welcome, but not necessary. Enjoy these memes if you agree!
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