Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. Birthdays mean a lot to some people. It's not necessarily about the day itself, or doing something greatly extravagant, but rather that your partner has acknowledged it, and wants to make it a happy and special day for you.
Some women like a homemade dinner, some like a romantic getaway, and some prefer jewelry. All this woman wants is a night in, to order food, and for her husband to remember that it's her birthday. He fails to do all of these things, and falls asleep as soon as he gets home. It's not the first time either; the forgetfulness is only in combination with his general lazy demeanor regarding child rearing, cleaning, and household chores. If it's like this now, it will only get worse.
And if you enjoyed this story, you're bound to enjoy this Reddit piece about a woman who forgets it's Father's Day.
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