Have you ever met someone who's so misinformed about things that you start doubting them yourself? It's a strange feeling to have someone happily inform you that solar panels are going to be too powerful sometime in the near future… because they'll soak up too much sun? Yes, that's a real thing that u/ChanceFray was told by their oddball roommate. They aren't the only person who's had some funny encounters with people who just weren't very bright. When u/noelioli asked, "Who's the stupidest person you've ever met, and what story perfectly sums up their stupidity?" more than 23,600 people shared their own stories.
We all know someone who's just constantly confused about current events, basic tasks, driving directions, and so on. You name it, and they'll be confused about it. To be fair, it can be really funny to be around this kind of person! With some gentle education, they can quickly learn the actual facts they need to know.
Up next, this auto shop assistant manager had "the misfortune of working for the laziest manager I've ever known," so they quit at the worst possible time to get back at him.
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