This retail merchandiser fell right into her manager's trap. No matter how hardworking an employee is, it just won't be enough for some bosses. But that won't stop that boss from trying to work that employee to the bone anyway!
When you're trying your hardest at work, it's tempting to take both successes and failures personally. You want to do your best, and if your manager criticizes you, it can sting. This manager realized that he could push this retail merchandiser to take on way, way more than her intended workload. She had a lengthy list of things to do each day, but she was working with almost no days off. This poor person only got three days off in three months! There's just no way to work that hard without quickly burning out or snapping. If all you do is work, you never have any time to just enjoy your actual life. An employee with nothing to lose and everything to gain from quitting will tell the truth to her boss… just check out the story below, as well as some interesting additional insights from the original poster.
Next, this fed-up gardener picked the worst possible day to quit their job: the day of the owner's daughter's big expensive wedding.
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