Imagine signing onto a part-time job only to learn that the people running the store are incompetent high school graduates.
It's not that these 18-year-olds are not capable of running a business one day, but as of now, the total lack of professionalism is on full display. It's already pretty awkward to work for someone far younger than you, but that's something the Redditor could get past. Otherwise, they would not have signed onto the position in the first place. What made this job particularly unbearable was the disorganization. From contacting employees at 2:00 am in the morning to cover 6:00 am shifts to never giving employees proper training with regards to closing out the store, these managers were struggling to keep any of their workers, and this Redditor found themselves needing to quit but not having the means to do so.
Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, check out this post about a hostess who was reprimanded for discussing pay at work.
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