Don't let the cold weather fool you, strawberry season isn't done. In fact, it's never done in our book. Sure, you can't brow them everywhere all year long, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy them all year long. Strawberries are a good source of vitamin C and they are sublimely tasty. An elite fruit, one of the top berries. When you pick them off the bush at the perfect time and they are just right… Oh baby, so good. Throw them in a summer salad, something sweet, or in your smoothie, the options are endless! Strawberries add such a delicious and healthy part to so many different types of meals. Maybe not your pizza, but feel bad about that giant bowl of ice cream you're eating? Throw some strawberries on it! BAM. Now it's a good source of vitamin C, thus, healthy. Right? We aren't dietitians, but that sounds pretty good to me. We're just memeitians, so enjoy the berry good strawberry memes below!
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