There's a reason people wear masks when accepting their lottery winnings.
If you're ever lucky enough to win big on the lotto, odds are you'll have family members, high school acquaintances, old coworkers, and random strangers coming out of the woodwork to claim their piece of your new pie, which is why your anonymity is precious. This is an unfortunate truth that a dad, and lottery winner, recently discovered–because even his teenage son wasn't immune from the bite of greed.
After winning the big pot of the Super Lotto, OP (the original poster of this story) decided to be as frugal as possible with his winnings. Without any big purchases in mind, he just wanted to set up the future of himself and his family–as any parent would. So without a second thought, he made an offer to his 19-year-old son, one that he believed would be irrefutable! Or so he thought…
If his son claimed the winning ticket, he could keep half ($500/day) for the rest of his dad's life, sharing the winnings as a duo, and then after his father passes, he'd keep the full $1,000/day as his 'inheritance'. That's quite a deal, right? WRONG–apparently, the kid wanted more. Keep scrolling to read how this dutiful dad decided to combat his son's indignant, ungrateful behavior with a complete denial of the cash.
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