Some people aren't lucky enough to be born into families with considerate parents who will go above and beyond to do right by them. Even when you think things are going swimmingly, you're reminded of every reason why you decided to cut them off in the first place. It's painful going no-contact with people you share genetic bonds with, but it's often necessary when it's affecting your mental health. Doing what's best for you is always the best option.
The daughter who posted this story explains that she had to go no-contact with her family after years of feeling like the black sheep. Her parents drained her savings account and gave it to her younger brother without her consent. After building a great life for herself, she decided to sell her home and make some good money. Her parents crept back into the woodwork and are now requesting a part of the sum of the sale, and she refuses to do so. She has no idea where to go from here.