Welcome, introvert cat ladies. Summer's all but gone as fall makes it's way into the world. Some places are still ricocheting between summer highs and crispy, cool days, but overall, we are collectively trending towards Spooky Season weather. Many extroverts were forced to take cover in their Hobbit-holes due to the summer heat, and are now excitedly filling their social schedules with activities such as apple-picking with family, costume shopping with friends, and attending all sorts of Halloween-themed social events.
Introverts are just as excited for autumn for completely different reasons. The cold weather is a great excuse to take long, solitary walks while listening to the Twilight soundtrack. It is also a great time to do a Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or scary movie marathon without being judged. It is also soup weather, and introverts know that nothing beats buying a ton of fresh produce, cooking up a big stew, and feeling like a cute critter from a Beatrix Potter illustration. If any of this sounds like you, enjoy the memes below!
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