When you are checking into a hotel, you should already know to be on your best behavior while at the front desk. Not only are you being judged on how you will be as a guest, but you are also in front of other guests who are also doing the judging. Unfortunately, hotels bring out a lot of male and female Karens who think they own the place and people who work there the second they walk in. Apparently, if you pay $60 a night, you're allowed to treat everyone else like dirt. Take for instance this guest who ended up being kicked out barely two minutes after checking in—he didn't even make it to his room before he had to return the key. Why? Because he tried to score some (at the time) illegal substances from the bellhop. He wasn't even trying to be sneaky about it… Like, come on dude, at least try to whisper. Read the whole ordeal below!
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