Sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire—there's no other way of dealing with the issue. Specifically, when dealing with hackers, the only way to counter them is to apply the same techniques they're using against you and go on the offensive. Or, at least, that's what cool stories like this would lend you to believe, I've never been in a cyber war with a hacker, so don't take my word for it. It sounds cool, at least, and who doesn't love the trope-y ideal of going toe-to-toe with a hacker—typing furiously on a keyboard that's not in.
The reality is that for most of us, cybersecurity won't ever experience this cinematic hacker experience and instead will be relegated to the boring life of upkeeping our passwords when they've been compromised and the pain of checking our phone for that text message code of our two-factor authentication, all while trying not to click on the suspiciously "phishy" links that end up in our emails.
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Image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Image is for illustration only and subjects are models.
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