Why is it that the 'family first' crowd doesn't think that rule applies to them? While I agree with the sentiment of putting your family first in some cases, when your sister and mother of your 8-year-old nephew is being an entitled piece of work, perhaps it's time to consider the flip side.
When u/Working_Raccoon417 agreed to babysit his nephew overnight, he was thrilled! Knowing that his sister was attending a friend's event, he freed up his schedule so that he could hang out with his buddy–to a point, of course. He didn't realize that his sister's promise to pick him up 'first thing in the morning' was merely a farce. Although he was happy to spend some quality time with his nephew, the original poster of this story was pretty furious when his entire day got derailed by his incommunicative, entitled sister when she went no-contact with him and ended up being 10 hours late to pick up her son.
Because when she berated him and told him to put 'family first' over his own plans, she clearly didn't believe that the same principles applied to her…
This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.