‘And we all enjoyed our meals in peace': Father uses Christmas music to shutdown the entitled man refusing to stop the video chat he's having at full volume that is overstimulating his neurodivergent son

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    If I can't enjoy my Christmas breakfast, neither shall you I took my kiddo to Waffle House for a late Christmas breakfast. We get seated and start discussing what we're going to order only to be interrupted by the the guy at the table behind me making a FaceTime call at full blast. For the uninitiated, the booth seats in Waffle House are back to back with no gap or dividers, so you're pretty close to the people seated behind you.
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    Hoping this was just a temporary annoyance I tried to ignore it, but after a few more minutes of not being able to hold a conversation it was obvious my kid was nearing sensory overload, as was I (we're both high functioning autistic). I lean over the guy's shoulder until I'm fully in-frame of his video, he turns, we make eye contact, I raise my eyebrows and give him a look while motioning at his phone. He barely skipped a beat, rolled his eyes and turned back and went back to his call,
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    just as loud as before. I figured if I had to be overloaded, that music would be marginally better than listening to his cackling buzzy phone conversation, so I placed my phone on the back of the seats, between me and the guy, and put Christmas music on, then slowly started turning the volume up until it was just obnoxious enough to disrupt his conversation. It worked, he made a comment to the other person that he had to go and would call them back later, hung up, we
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    exchanged another dirty look as I turned my music off, and we all enjoyed our meals in peace.
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    8FaarQFx Ugh! Good for you. I was at the grocery store and a woman had a small bluetooth speaker blasting music out of her shopping cart. This wasn't some kid. It was a grown What to you say? woman.
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    CoderJoe1 He intended to continue his call, but waffled in the end.
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    Well I'm just jealous that you got to eat at a Waffle House today!! They don't exist out west where I live, so I seek them out when I'm in the WH ZONE EDIT: It has blessedly come to my attention that there do seem to be a few Waffle Houses out west after all! Apparently it's just the Pacific NW that is sadly devoid of them.
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    Bainrow17 Honestly good for you for checking him back. You gave him a chance...you were pretty polite about it but he continued to be a D bag.
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    hadriangates My husband and I were eating at Lazy Days in the keys on the beach part. These two women were seated and immediately started playing music on their phone. They would look around with smirks on their faces as people glared at them. Then they ordered their food and got up and walked away. They still werent at their table when the runner brought their food. Finally they came back, and thankfully did not continue playing their music. I mean, how ride!!!
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    Peanut083 I love it! This is the kind of petty revenge I come to this sub for! There's a level of vicarious satisfaction in knowing that at least some of the AH's in the world are being made to suffer the consequences of their inconsiderate actions and behaviour in non- harmful, but satisfyingly petty ways.
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    Please tell me that 'All I want for Christmas is you' was in your revenge playlist. I absolutely cannot stand that song (and never have been able to), but playing that song loudly as a form of petty revenge to that kind of person is a sacrifice I'd be willing to make.
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    Few Television3921 Gotta love this about you. What I will do if it goes on too long is to join in on their conversation since they want to make me a part of it. How's the weather out their? How's your mom doing?.....etc
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