Boss considers sending "unprofessional" reply to entitled care worker: 'She wants to be paid for time she didn't work'

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    Employee goes off on me bc she wants to be paid for time she didn't work My partner has a Home Care company for seniors, and I have been helping him by working with the Caregivers (he works with the clients).
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    This one is new and before her first assignment, we gave her a sample timesheet that had the hours incorrectly added to double what they should've been. My partner caught the mistake, spoke to her about it, saying "you'll be paid for the total hours you worked." And that was the end of it. Or so we thought.
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  • 04
    Come time to submit the timesheet, she's at it again -- trying to finagle more hours than she actually worked. And after trying me and failing, she has now unleashed her fury. AT ME. But, I'm not allowed to respond... (Partner says it would be unprofessional) ... and it's eating me alive!
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    < T (Caregiver) Sunday, January 5 Hello do I still turn this sheet in to receive the pay for the hours I did work? 5:03 PM ... Don't worry about it this time. You worked a total of 8 hours, right? I'll take care of the timesheet for you. Remember, you'll get paid, not this Thursday, but the following 7:17 PM Thursday. The paper says 16 hours! 7:23 PM
  • 06
    I have you down as working 4 hours 12/29 and another 4 hours on 12/30. Did you work 7:43 PM more than that? Larry put 16 hours. 8:48 PM But okay I was just making sure i didn't have to turn it in I know you guys said the 4th 8:50 PM
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  • 07
    T 9:05 PM Caregiver) At this point, we need you to fill out your own timesheet (date of service and hours; don't worry about client signature) so that there is no confusion. You can email it or text it back to me. EEKLY CAREGIVER TIMESHEET 1/9/25 12/23/24 T So 900 8:00 12/20/04 400 Tuesda 13/21/14 1/1/25 1/2/45 Butenday 1/2/25 1/4/25 By ng sandal sens The TOTAL WEEKLY HOURS Date Cat's Signature Cer's Sign Date Supervisor's Se De MUST BE DELIVERED BY THE END OF YOUR WORK WEEK NO LATER
  • 08
    T (Caregiver) ... That was a sample of how to fill out our timesheet. Obviously on the sample the hrs are wrong. All of the caregivers do their own timesheets with the clients confirming by signing. In order for you to get paid you will have to fill out your own time sheet with dates that you 9:48 PM worked and hours.
  • 09
    Monday, January 6 Will you be submitting a timesheet with the correct hours or not? You will not get paid otherwise and the deadline for Thurs, 1/16 payout was 4:22 PM yesterday. First off b , I been trying to be nice but OBVIOUSLY y'all is unprofessional as F why tf would y'all give somebody a fake a time sheet? B it doesn't take a rocket scientist to fill out a timesheet! So why would y'all not give me a blank copy? I bet if I was still working for scam
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    The caregiver sent a message and let it be known, in no uncertain terms, that she thought the behavior was "unprofessional"

    < (Caregiver) 4:27 PM, Jan 6 (No subject) First off b I, I been trying to be nice but OBVIOUSLY y'all is unprofessional as why tf would y'all give somebody F a fake a time sheet? B it doesn't take a rocket scientist to fill out a timesheet! So why would y'all not give me a blank copy? I bet if I was still working for scamming it wouldn't be an issue about y'all giving me the 16 hours!
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    With y'all lying "Tell you knew us for for a while", and I will be sure to tell his family y'all just hiring random people long as they resume say they have experience and sending them to his home. Don't you ever in life get smart with me like that again you dissy FAT a b,f you and rip off L ! Now it's a fake time sheet? When was I gone get the REAL ONE? Cause I couldn't go make a copy of it cause y'all dumb I wrote on it!!! STUPID F S !!!!!!!
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    As this person pointed out, this employee went scorched-earth with these messages

    IscaPlay I'm guessing you are dismissing her? Can't imagine that you'd allow this person unsupervised access to clients again?
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    ChildhoodOk5526 OP Oh yeah. She was basically done before this bc she did was difficult to get a hold of, slow responding to texts, and would outright ignore calls. The crazy thing is she, otherwise, had no personality whatsoever. Very stoic. Flat affect. Just blah. It's funny how bada she got by text. (My partner needed a shift covered on short notice and decided to take a chance. Big mistake.)
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    HairyM 69 I am friends with an elderly care worker. I hear her complaints about her job. I fear becoming old and needing elderly care. This employee texting seems to reflect the attitude of everyone my friend works with. The good ones seem few and far between. Not saying there aren't any good ones. But they are rare.
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  • 16
    ChildhoodOk5526 OP We've had terrible luck finding good people after the pan mic. This one is young -- 23 -- but she had good references and we were down a couple caregivers bc of illness/holidays. Ugh. No more desperation hires.
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    Petalzopentothemoon Pay her and fire her. Stop playing games with the money. You know when she worked and what she would be paid. She certainly was unprofessional, but so are you and your husband. You told her the sheet is due after it was already overdue. You provided her the incorrect example.
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    LokiKamiSama I'd just go ahead and fill out the termination papers. Don't schedule her. Ask for her real timesheet. Pay her for hours worked and let her know this won't work out. Wish her well.


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