‘Job’ candidate wants to join the workforce, as long as she won’t be forced to work, envisions career as a professional slacker with minimal effort and maximum relaxation

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    Jobs for people who don’t really want to work?

    "I would like to get a job where all I do is sit around and read books"
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    I would like to get a job where all I do is sit around and read books. Maybe I check in a few people or pick up a phone but mostly I'm just allowed to sit and be chill. I
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    Market 42% 79% 93% os et accusamus et dignissimos ducimus itiis praesentium um deleniti atque quos dolores et quas- excepturi sint ti cupiditate non Nam libero tempore, soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet et voluptates repudiandae molestiae non recusand F
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    don't require a lot of money, have zero criminal issues, and don't even need benefits (what are those?!). I just need something to do that doesn't kill
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    my soul, tax my broken body (too much manual labor jobs), and helps put me back in the capitalist slave market so I can do my duty and be a good plebeian.
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    Any ideas are welcome. All negativity will be ignored; I don't feed trolls. TIA
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    Cheezburger Image 10451648768
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  • 08
    Update: wow!! Lots of great ideas and some truly real sh. Totally didn't expect any real answers! Ha! This gives me hope THANK YOU!
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    Metafx If you don't care about your hours, I've heard working overnight as security can be pretty laid back. You'll definitely have a lot of downtime.
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    Inevitable_Usual3553 Hotel night audit shift. You deal with very minimum amount of people if any at all. The actual work can take up to 20-60 minutes to complete
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    notevenapro I worked at a flower cart in sunny california for 5 years. Just sold flowers and read books.
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    ObjectiveBike8 Lift bridge operator. You can read a book while waiting for boats to pass. Then making sure it's safe to open. I know retired people do it for insurance so they can read most of the day. I'd
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    be shocked if the job openings in the US are more. than a few hundred each year. So you'd probably have to move or wait years for an opening in your area.
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    Daisygurl30 Any job suggesting customer facing in person or over the phone is not easy or for people who really don't want to work. Just keep that in mind.
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    SomnambulistPilot Over The Road Truck Driver. I just listen to podcasts or audiobooks all day while enjoying beautiful scenery across the country. I may only talk to people for a cumulative hour per week.
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    There are definitely some downsides, but it beats the heck out of an office job. My body is confined to a little box and strapped to a seat, but my mind is free to wander anywhere I want as I crisscross the country.
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    fme222 My first job was at a sensory deprivation float tank spa. It had 3 float tanks (1 person each), people would book them for 60-120 minutes
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    (nice nap in a small dark quiet room floating in a foot of salt water). Open by appointment only. In- between clients I pressed a button on the wall to filter
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    bottle and a rag to do a quick wipe down of the little shower area in front of each tank where people would undress and took me about 5 minutes. Then I had an
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    and read or play on my phone as people floated/slept. I had severe social anxiety and major depre sion/anxiety/low confidence and this was the perfect first job for me to gain some confidence. Only
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    one person worked per shift, and most were either other awkward students/recent grads in same position as me (I ended up recommending it as a first job to many of my and my
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    sister's friends over the years) or older people looking to slowly enter back into the workforce after being a stay-at-home parent etc.
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    USAhotdogteam I told myself years ago work is a joke, so I am only going to figure out to how maximize my income earned and reduce hours worked. I have no complaints.
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    goldenrodddd I had a job like that for one summer, I sold vehicle permits at the entrance to a state park. You can only read so many books in a day, day after day, before it starts to feel maddening. Just my two cents.
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    breezy_yeet Lift operator at a ski resort. Most read or watch tv all day. You can also ski on your breaks if you're into that but you don't have to. My boss doesn't even like skiing he just does it so he can read and write.
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    jaxthegerman Gas station, midnight shift. You'll stock a few shelves and then sit for 6.5 -7 hours. You might see 5 people all night.
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    xcadam Be a ceo
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    smartfbrankings Work for the government.


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