‘This wasn’t their property’: Entitled neighbors use garbage bins to block mom and son from sledding on HOA public property, resulting in a trash violation

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    Our neighbors told us we can't sled ride on community property
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    My son (4) and I went sled riding on a hill in our neighborhood that is behind a house in the community but beyond their property line. It's a small forest area with a downhill slope that eventually leads to the sidewalk.
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    We were out for about 5 minutes going up and down before the husband came out telling us we couldn't sled ride there because it was dangerous. When I
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    responded that we weren't on their property, they said that wasn't the issue, that it was dangerous to sled ride there as it was close to
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    the road. When we would sled down, we would end on the sidewalk, and not on the road. The wife then came outside yelling that my son almost went
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    into the road one time, which he just went on the sidewalk. I responded once again that this wasn't their property and stated I'm his mother and
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    this wasn't their business. They kept going on and my son was getting upset, so we left and do not plan on going back
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    Today, I drove by and saw they lined up about 10 items of trash to block the hill- which is not on their property. It's various items of small bins, a trash bag, a shopping bag, etc. It's such an eyesore.
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    I'd like to hear other thoughts on if I was in the wrong here and how others would have handled this. Thanks.
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    *Edit- I contacted the HOA and they confirmed it is common property. I told the HOA the situation same as above- we were sled riding, the neighbors told us we couldn't, and
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    we left. They had nothing. to say about the sled riding but did state they issued a violation to the homeowners for the trash on common property.
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    **Edit- I would also like to add that this is a tiny little hill. Exciting for my four year old, but it would be lame to any older kid. It's not very steep and is very
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    small. I was with him the whole time, making sure I stopped him at the bottom. Based on some responses, I think people have this idea that this is a gigantic hill that would have propelled him right into the street.
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    Whole-Ad... Move the garbage to their property and sled away.
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    redwookie1 They're miserable watching kids have fun. The thought of children having fun in the snow fills them with dread and anxiety. They would never call it jealousy, of course it's merely concern. Heaven forbid, more kids might decide sledding looks like fun and join them!
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    ArcherBarcher31 You're nice than I would have been. I'd have rounded up all my kid's friends for a sledding party.
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    Joey_BagaDonuts... What shallow lives people must live to stop a kid and his mom from sledding on a snow day.
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    bestuzernameever I would post up on the local Facebook channel about how awesome that hill is for sledding so the whole community can come out for a slide and say hi to the neighbors
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    Dottie85 Nice to read a YES HOA story for once!
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    Neither-Drive-8838 We had a neighbour who called the police because my 2 boys (6+8) were throwing snowballs at each other.
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