‘I am baffled by this behavior’: Neighbors park their stroller in front of woman's front door, breaking fire code laws, then threaten her when she complains to property management

  • "I didn't know adults could act this way."
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  • "AITA for trying to get my neighbors to not block my front door"

    (32F) live in NYC. I recently moved into a small building, three stories, 6 apartments in total. My apartment is a ground floor unit. From move in a neighbor (40F
  • and 40M) has been storing their large stroller in front of my front door, which poses problems every time I have to come and go from my apartment. It is also
  • against fire code and explicitly forbidden in the building's leases. The stroller is there every day, unless their kid (3M) decides he doesn't want to walk.
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  • One day when I heard them leaving it there, I introduced myself and politely said them leaving their stroller there was causing me issues and it is against the city's fire. code and asked them to
  • no longer keep their stroller in front of my front door. The 40F neighbor gave me excuses that they live on the third floor, but the 40M neighbor straight up
  • raised his voice at me, while I was holding my infant daughter. The woman said as a compromise she'd fold the stroller when leaving it front of my door.
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  • As time went on, the stroller was never folded up and continued to block my door. As it is against fire code, and explicitly forbidden in the lease, I decided to reach
  • out to property management for help resolving this issue. I just want to be able to safely come and go from my apartment.
  • The day the property management enforced this on these neighbors, the 40F neighbor rang my doorbell, and proceeded to refuse to speak to me and called her mother.
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  • Cheezburger Image 10453199104
  • Her mother then berated me on speaker phone and said I should have spoken to them first, ignoring me. when I said I did. She then kind of threatened me saying I "complained about the wrong people".
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  • I was stunned and couldn't believe this was happening. All I could muster was insisting it is against fire code and no one gets to break fire code.
  • I am baffled by this behavior. I found it a bizarre confrontation and I didn't know adults could act this way. I've never had issues with neighbors before.
  • I have a child younger than their's and empathize with their situation, but their kid is massive and able to walk. They could just have an umbrella stroller, like I do. I just wanted access to my front door. AITA?
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  • tl;dr neighbor in small apartment building breaks fire code and blocks my front door and ignores polite personal request to stop. I take it up with building
  • management. The neighbor initiated bizarre confrontation with her mother on speaker phone, making vague threats. AITA?
  • EDIT: I appreciate the outside perspective. I didn't think I was TA, but I do have people pleasing tendencies and it was very clear my actions hurt people's feelings, and it gave me self doubt.
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  • The reason I engaged with the mother on the phone at all is bizarre too, it's all just too weird and I'm reeling a little lol. The 40F neighbor has an unusual way of speaking, I haven't been able to work out if it is an accent or what. When she put
  • the mother on speaker phone I had a sinking thought that maybe the 40F neighbor is deaf and needs someone to talk for her and I felt bad that maybe I'd made a deaf person feel victimized when they can't speak up
  • for themselves???? But like she clearly wasn't deaf, her mother was just on speaker phone with no video and she had zero issues following the conversation. Apart from this is incident and the
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  • other neighbor stuff this woman and her man have pulled, they seem like normal functional adults. The man does not have an unusual way of speaking. I don't think her unusual way of speaking is really a factor in whether I'm
  • TA, and I have been so eager to be polite and respectful. It became clear very quickly the phone call wasn't really about helping in
  • communication, but just messy people expressing their anger as much as possible. But yeah, that's why I let the phone call happen. Messy.
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  • FauxeticVRC Nta. Your neighbors are really entitled... No normal person would want to leave their property outside a strangers door for days on end. Consider reporting them again to building management for the confrontation.. this kind of behavior was completely uncalled for.


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