It all started when his parents found out that his 17-year-old sister was pregnant and decided to help her raise the baby so she could finish school.
Obviously, the sister getting pregnant is not the younger brother's mistake or problem, and he should not be the one paying for it. But that did not stop the parents from trying to get him out of the house so they could use his room as the baby's room, expecting him to uproot his life and move in with his grandparents in a different state.
How did he take these news? Keep scrolling to read the rest of the story.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
"My sister got pregnant and now my parents want me to stay with my grandparents in a different state, I don't want to aitah?"
Before you scroll down to the comments, try and think about what you would do in this situation.
As much as it is a terrible demand from the parents, it might still be a good decision for their son. Maybe staying in a house with a newborn baby is not the best idea, regardless of where the baby sleeps. Maybe a fresh start would be good for him. At least some of the people down below definitely think so…