Working mom defies the odds, paying off a $160,000 loan after juggling two full-time jobs and a toddler for 12 months: ‘Here’s to new beginnings'

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    "I did it!"

    As a woman with a 3-year-old daughter, I embarked on a journey of OE with one onsite job and another remote job for 12 intense months. My goal was daunting: to pay off a $160,000 personal loan with an 18% interest rate. And guess what? | did it!
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    The journey was far from easy. The stress was overwhelming at times, and my marriage was tested to its limits. But last Friday marked the end of this chapter as I stepped away from one of the jobs, choosing to stay with J1.
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    This experience was both challenging and rewarding. It taught me resilience and the power of determination. If you're looking to make money and tackle financial hurdles quickly, OE can be a powerful tool.
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    Remember, it's not just about the destination but the strength you gain along the way. Stay motivated, and know that you can achieve incredible things, even when the odds seem stacked against you.
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    Here's to new beginnings and the freedom that comes with overcoming financial burdens!
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    hyemae That is awesome! Glad you made it work. How do you juggle an onsite job with a remote one?
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    sabitoo1234 I was onsite for 3 days working 13-hour shifts. During that time, I only responded to Teams on my phone and to things that were really urgent. I left my laptop in the car with a mouse jiggler and a portable charger.
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    When my laptop ran out of battery, I charged it inside my backpack. I worked during my lunch hour in my car. On the days I was at home, I worked more than 12 hours a
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    day at my remote job to catch up. Physically, I am exhausted. I also have 33 days of PTO at my remote job, and when things got complicated, I used my PTO. I didn't take a real vacation last year.
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    Teelilz Yeah I feel that's getting overlooked and it really shouldn't. Kids that age are still on an unintentional [unaliving] watch. Mad, mad respect!!
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    Mr Perfect What was the personal loan, a credit card? That's an insane rate. You would've been shackled for life. Nicely done. Not don't get in that spot again
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    sabitoo1234 A serious mistake, I couldn't pay all my credit cards and I consolidated with a scam company that was the only one willing to lend me that amount.
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    jwilk92 They were probably sweating when they realized you were paying it off
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    Mojojojo3030 Realistically the alternative was probably bankruptcy. Sounds more like everyone won here. Including the employers actually.
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    Qcuzmih That level of determination is really impressive. I'd love to know what industry you're in, but understand if you prefer not to divulge. I'm going to have to get extremely creative to help put my kids through college and your story is inspiring.
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