The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
Perhaps I got on the anti-aging train a little late, but I only just recently started using night serums in my late 20s. Fighting the crow's feet by my eyes and the crinkles on my forehead, I unwittingly bought some high-intensity creams and potions in an attempt to fight the lines, and boy, was I disappointed when I didn't magically transform into a Disney princess overnight. Instead, I transformed into a Caribbean vacationer, skin burned and flaming red from the chemicals that my poor, wee baby skin couldn't take.
Night serums are no joke and they are certainly not to be trifled with–or stolen. So perhaps a little red-faced revenge was enough payback for this sister-in-law.
"AITAH for accidentally letting my sister in law get chemical burns on her face"