'[I] don't owe anyone free Wi-Fi': Entitled neighbor bad-mouths the guy next door after he refuses to share his Wi-Fi password, comeuppance gets served throughout the neighborhood

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  • "AITA for refusing to let my neighbor use my Wi-Fi after they "accidentally" disconnected their service?"

    I (30M) had a neighbor (40M) knock on my door, asking if they could connect to my Wi-Fi because they "forgot" to pay their bill, and their internet got cut off. I politely declined,
  • explaining that I pay for my service and don't want to risk security issues. They got upset and left, but I thought that was the end of it. Turns out, they've been bad-mouthing me to other neighbors, saying I'm selfish and
  • not community-minded. A friendly neighbor told me they're calling me "cheap" and claiming it wouldn't cost me anything to help out. Now I'm wondering if I was too harsh. AITA?
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  • celticmusebooks In the time it took to rally the flying monkeys they could have PAID their internet bill and had their service restored. Curious, why didn't any of the FMs give the neighbor access to their wifi????????
  • Sure-Exit-3600 Exactly! If they'd put half as much effort into solving their problem as they did into complaining about me, they'd have their internet back by now. And it's funny how none of the people backing them up offered their own Wi-Fi either- guess they didn't want to deal with the risks and hassle, but it's easier to point fingers at me. Hypocrisy at its finest!
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  • Logical Ruse My mom was chronically late for paying internet and cable when I was young. All it took was a call and it was back on within the hour. I can't imagine it's changed that much.
  • Mochipretty. sharing Wi-Fi can risk your security and speed. It's not selfish to protect what you pay for. They're upset because they didn't get a free ride, not because you did anything wrong.
  • Sure-Exit-3600 Exactly! It's not just about the cost -it's about protecting my network and personal information. I didn't feel comfortable opening up my Wi-Fi to someone else, especially when I don't know how responsible they'd be with it.
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  • Strange Medium 8060 They won't even get a strong connection from across the street. Also if their internet was already disconnected it means they make horrible choices NTA
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  • laaplandros Not just financially, either. They 100% wanted to do something sketchy and wanted to use someone else's network. Restoring service can be done during a phone call, it's instant. No legitimate, non-creepy reason to use your neighbor's.
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  • Realistic-Animator-3 I feel certain none of the other neighbors offered him their wifi, either. My guess is, they are secretly laughing at him. He has to have pulled something on one of them before. If any one does say something to you about being harsh or selfish, tell them 'yep,
  • sure am...I learned long ago to not be taken advantage of...but you are more than welcome to help him out.' While we all owe others kindness in our shared humanity, we don't owe anyone free wifi.
  • Sure-Exit-3600 Right? The irony isn't lost on me. It's pretty bold to call someone selfish or cheap when you can't even keep up with your own bills. Maybe instead of name-calling, they should focus on fixing their own situation.
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