"AITA for not getting over my sister ‘borrowing’ money?"
After the 17-year-old mentioned that her sister was not good with money, had two children, and both she and her husband were unemployed, I saw where this story was going. Though we would prefer to give our family members the benefit of the doubt, we have to think realistically here. If the sister has already spent $6k of her own inheritance, what's $2k of someone else's? Even if the sister has every intention to pay the 17-year-old back before she notices the cash is gone, the very fact that she took the money without her knowledge and continuously lies about where the funds are going suggests she is feeling not nearly as guilty as she should be feeling. Even after the sister is confronted, she still has the same old excuses.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
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