46-year-old couch-surfer eats his sister-in-law's food, she demands $40 payment immediately: 'They're bad-mouthing you in your own house'

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    '[I] found my BIL cooking up literally 8 eggs and 8 sausage patties (OUR food)'
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    "AITA for flipping out on unemployed BIL for eating so much?"

    30f. I have a family of 5 (husband, 3 kids) and food cost in today's world for the month cost easily $600-$700. My SIL (husband's sister-43), her husband "David" (46) and their daughter (12) lost their house due to inflation cost and needed somewhere to go. The only reason I agreed to let them come here was because I morally could not see a child homeless. SIL works constantly and David has been unemployed for nearly a
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    year due to a "back injury" (he has a habit of quitting jobs due to injuries that doctors can't find). Now, the only stipulation we had was that these people were to buy ALL their own food and eat separately because, to be blunt (and yes, I'm going to sound like an a ), they are all obese and eat 3x what my entire family does and I CANNOT afford to feed them. To put it this way, they were getting $740 in EBT up until 6 months ago and they were still exceeding that budget by 2x. So,
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    we don't charge them rent but they do absolutely need to buy their own food and we made that clear so many times prior to them moving in here 2 months ago. Well, 2 weeks ago I went grocery shopping for my family. I splurged a bit and got my kids 2x 16 count sausage patties that they like (it's an expensive brand so they don't get them often). Well, yesterday I noticed that most of the sausage and near all the eggs were gone (the big 60 count boxes). I
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    knew I hadn't personally made my kids breakfast with either item more than once so I asked my husband about it to see if he had and he said no. I confronted SIL and her husband and they both swear they hadn't touched our food. But I got up earlier than usual this morning (I don't leave for work until 8 and I was up at 5am- couldn't sleep). I walked downstairs to the kitchen and found my BIL (the only one awake) cooking up literally 8 eggs and 8 sausage patties (OUR
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    food that he swore he wasnt touching). He also has hash browns, biscuits and sausage gravy but that was theirs. I immediately flipped out. I knew I wasn't going crazy but they all made out like I was. SIL heard the commotion and comes out to see me flipping out on David about eating all of our food and she is immediately down my throat. "In our family we don't make people feel like sh for eating when they
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    pay you are hungry, I will back". So I held my hand out. Those sausages and eggs cost me almost $40 alone and he ate all of it. SIL is saying I'm an AH and that it's "not a big deal". I argued it is. It's a huge deal actually because I was lied to and he ate so much that my kids now have none.
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    Vixter4 NTA what-so-ever. You have been nothing but kind to these people. You let them in your house, let them use your facilities, gave them a place to sleep for seemingly rent-free. This isn't a BIL eating too much issue. They fucked up by: - using your shit that you said not to use
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    -lying about it -bad-mouthing you IN YOUR OWN HOUSE Fuck them! Let them find some other homeowner that will let them live rent-free and bad-mouth themselves. Kick those fuckers out, because who KNOWS what else they will do? I feel bad for the kid, but it is NOT your problem.
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    [d... In our family we don't make people feel like fucking shit for eating when they are hungry, I will fucking pay you back". So I held my hand out First of all congrats on how you handled it. I would have
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    why would she think the issue is just the food and not the lying?
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    BigMax 100% NTA. They are taking advantage of you. And they KNOW it, but are unable to face their guilt, so they are trying to turn it on you. BIL is a skilled mooch. He's unemployed and quits often, he's been coasting on his wife's work, now he's also coasting on yours. He's very
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    likely beyond fixing (by you), and will continue to play the innocent/dumb act forever. "My back hurts, I can't work" and eating all of your food but each time playing it off as if it's just a one-off thing "oh, just wanted a snack, sorry, don't get so uptight!!" Also, when she says "in our family", you should reply "this is not YOUR family. You are in MY house, eating MY
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    food, both paid for with MY money. So when you get your own house and your own food, you can set whatever rules you want. Until then, in MY family adults pay their way and don't act like greedy, unemployed, spoiled children."
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    mban4 NTA. These people need to find their own home and move out of yours. And they need to pay you back for the food they stole from you.
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    phdoofus "The kid can stay, you two need to leave"
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    nopenothappenin... NTA time for them to leave. If 40$ isn't a big deal for them they should have no problem getting a motel/hotel room at least until they find a permanent place.


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