Student Hilariously Reviews His School's Sad Cafeteria Food on TikTok Sparking Debate on the American School System


It's all fun and games until it turns out the chicken is actually a grilled sponge… 


TikToker is going viral for his funny food reviews of his school lunch meals. With a curly mullet and a voice like a South Park character, the comedy comes naturally. One commenter described it as “vine quality," which if you know, you know. Many Americans are no strangers to gross school lunches. It's been portrayed in movies many times over, with sloppy joe day getting “extra sloppy” or the nostalgic small pizzas still doughy in the middle. So Americans are quickly able to relate to the TikTokers videos, with most of them reaching over a million views. 


But his videos are also bringing to light the horrible situation the U.S. public school systems seems to be in. The meals he shows are down right disgusting looking. Sure, at least they're getting food, (allegedly) a hot meal, but why is a go-to meal for teenagers a frozen corndog and handful of chips?


Corndog Day:


Viewers are flooding to these videos to either compare how gross their high school meals were or to comment on how sad this all is. Many say how shocked they are that he got any fruit at all. Others are in awe that his school serves meals on actual trays and provide metal utensils. 


Chicken Wrap (??) Day:

Pizza ummm… Sandwich Day (???):


One commenter said, “Brooo, you're living the dream rn, we got literally melted cheese in a small container, and 4 Tostito chips.” Even a lunch lady from another school was appalled, saying, “yikes...I'm a lunch lady at my home town school. Unfortunately, lunch at school is the only meal some students get! Hope they step up their game!”


“Chicken & Waffles” Day:


Currently, he only has four videos and almost 6k followers, but each video is getting more than a millions views. Hopefully, with his growing TikTok popularity it'll help aid his school in getting a better lunch budget. 


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