Hopping into the Viral World of Tiny Frog TikTok to Cure Your Sunday Scaries


Frogs are all the rage right now. Tiny little hip hoppers jumping into your social media algorithm. At first you might be like, “ew slimy frogs!” But the Internet quickly corrects your way of thinking, and makes you notice the overwhelming adorableness of these long-legged little creatures. With their big eyes and lanky legs, you can't help but think, “omg smol baby boy, must love.”


TikTok has been one of the leading social media sites giving a platform for tiny frog obsessed fans. Going deep into tiny frog tiktok or even just #FrogTok, the results are endless. So many people love these little guys. In this whole subculture of frogs on social media you not only get to realize how cute these itty bitty beings are, but many videos are also very educational on the amphibians and educate you on frog culture. 


What's really making these swamp cuties go so viral is the realization of just how smol, itty bitty, little so tiny these frogs can actually be. If you're feeling the Sunday scaries like many of use, than these babies will definitely soothe those fears. 


So tiny:

Smaller than a fingerprint. This lil guy is so cute, he could definitely get away with murder.


Little froggy babies:

The babies of tiny frogs are so extra tiny, they could ride you cuteness overload tears streaming down your face right now.


Flat frogs being small and flat:

Have you ever seen frogs being so cute and so flat? They've just squished all their cuteness into this thin little layer of tiny frog. 



Lil yawn on a lil leaf:

The tiniest little yawn—how adorable?? Sweet baby is just getting ready for a lil snooze on a tiny leaf. 


Small, but always watching:

The odds of being killed by an itty bitty frog are low… but never zero.


Mini baby has something important to say:

Attention everyone! This frog is little and only eats bugs his giant human gives him, so you can imagine the kind of stress he's under.


Small frog tryna be like Thumbalina:

Thumbafrogina—now, that's the children's movie remake we should get. Starring this very smol boy. 


Smaller than a strawberry:

Oh, to be a tiny frog, resting on a strawberry, going viral on TikTok. What a life that would be! 


Frog in a teacup:

Tea time, meet tiny frog time. Where everyone shares a tiny frog in a small teacup and swoon over the cuteness. 


Little guy just wanted to hang:

Don't let the Sunday scaries get to you. Work is meaningless. We were meant to simply hang with small frogs by a river and eat some fruit. 


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