Employee Quits On the Spot When Karen Refuses to Put Her Mask On and Causes a Scene


It's a story we've all heard too many times before. A Karen refuses to follow the establishments wishes, and will not put a mask on. In this particular viral video, the Karen is even holding the mask in her hand. 


The video is unclear where it is located, but even if the mask mandate is lifted, it is still up to the private establishment to decide whether they want to enforce masks or not. Just like private establishments are allowed to refuse service to whomever they choose. This Karen (and many others in the world) seem to think that these private establishments have to go by Karen rules. 


The waitress asks her nicely to please just wear it to walk to the table. You can hear the waitress getting more and more nervous, with her voice stammering and eventually just volunteering to grab her manager. After tensions started getting more and more heated and the Karen would not let up the waitress visibly has it. She whips off her apron, throws her hate on the ground says “I just quit. I'm sorry.” And storms out of the restaurant. 




Where ever you are on your stance of mask mandates or wearing a mask in general is irrelevant when it comes to the rules of a private establishment. That's just the fact of the matter. And someone who has no say in the rules of said establishment, is not about to lose their mind fighting for these rules with some Karen. The Karen is literally holding a mask in her hand and even ends up putting the mask on, but not until the waitress quits and storms out the door. 


On lookers are in shock at the Karen's stubbornness and at the waitresses abrupt exit. Even the guy the Karen is with looks uncomfortable and is also asking her to just put on the mask. Commenters on the viral TikTok are also just so frustrated by the entire encounter. 


Quits Mid Karen Argument:


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