When TikTok first came out in 2016, it blow up internationally—including in India. Many Bollywood artists started using TikTok to advertise, many other Indian artists were using it to get their work out there, and Indian influencers were using it as a source of income.
However, last year in June of 2020 India banned the app over “national security" issues. Basically, TikTok's privacy settings are some of the most invasive in the world. The social media network can collect tons of data from private citizens and manipulate the kind of content you see—so India outlawed it. But that hasn't stopped the Indian people from taking to the app to connect with others on certain subjects—like “hotrodding” farming tractors. Twitter user David Ruddock aka @RDRv3 uncovers the entire amazing subculture in a thread.
The TikTok with the most viral videos of modify tractors by these Indian farmers is “@nadeemnadeem5023." His videos feature many different drivers and their pimped out tractor rides—some from India, some based elsewhere like Canada or the U.S. Some drivers are shown just showing off their sick ride while others are shown doing wheelies and other dangerous stunts in their huge piece of farming equipment.
Indian commenters help explain the craze better, saying it's very popular in the Punjab regions and that “yes” all the tractors are usually still used for actual farm work. The new viral tag on TikTok is attracting all kinds of viewers, from fellow Indian tractor modifiers, to fans from all over the world.
One commenter from India said that modifying vehicles, especially working farm equipment vehicles like tractors, is extremely illegal. Most of the Indian farmers doing these killer mods are BAMF tho, and do it anyways. Tractors with spinners, hydraulics, insane speaker set ups, you name it—it's like they're channeling Xzibit, the “Pimp My Ride” expert himself.
Another commenter said, “a country kid is a country kid all around the world"—which is beautifully put. Though, American farmers have probably also had some fun modifying their tractors, they haven't tapped into this viral trend on TikTok as much as these Indian farmers have.
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