Equality can be a sensitive subject in some companies. Maybe they didn't mean to hire mostly men, but it just happened. So, they try to compensate by going above and beyond to make sure their few female employees feel like they're being treated respectfully and equally.
Women who are comfortable with their male coworkers might just use this atmosphere to mess around with their male employees trying their darnedest to be woke. Like TikToker Charissa Enget aka @lifeofyungratchet—she took International Women's Day and really said, “this is a perfect time to prank my male coworkers.”
She recently posted a video of her during a work zoom meeting. In the meeting she says, “hey guys, I don't know if you know this, but it's actually International Women's Day and as the only woman on this team I kind of expected a prize.” The awkward silence that followed is hysterical. The pour male coworkers truly feel bad a fumble with their reaction while Charissa holds back laughter.
“Oh shit… Um… Let me get on that,” one of the guys say. “International Women's Day? Is that what today is…” another responds. “Uh… Uh… I wish I would've known that.” Charissa says she let them know that she was joking and they all sighed with relief. “They were actually gonna send me a prize so I had to be like, ‘I promise I’m kidding,’" she responded to a comment. “They are all the nicest guys, [I] had them sweating."
Over a million people have viewed the video and find it hilarious, but also feel for the men. They sincerely seemed to feel bad and were shuffling to find their only female worker the “prize” she demanded.