Woman Screams at Disabled Teen to Move From Reserved Seating, Flees in Disgrace When He Reveals His Disability


This event was posted to the u/WhatTheHell431 to the r/entitledparents subreddit who couldn't believe what they had just witnessed while traveling on their cities metro. 

A teen who was “probably 14 or 15” was seated in the reserved seats commonly placed conveniently near the most accessible entry/exit of public transport. The metro “wasn't that much crowded at the time, but all the seats were still occupied.” This would set the scene for the incident that occurred.

Reserved seating, also called ‘Priority Seating,’ is provided “to allow elderly, disabled, pregnant women and the injured to ride public transport with an equal degree of access and comfort as other people.”1 It is, almost expressly, intended for usage by these parties.  

Enter the Entitled Mother. When she entered the metro and saw no seats available, her self-centered mind immediately turned towards securing herself a seat. As the linked description and u/WhatTheHell431 describe, these seats are not intended to be used by someone just because they're a mother.

Her attention was naturally drawn towards the young man seated in front of her. When he refused to move under her commanding glare, her underdeveloped emotional control was triggered, and her ego was affronted over the perceived challenge by this insolent brat.

She had already tried to use the glare, so she unholstered her next weapon to unleash on the lad. 

Full of fury at his audacity, she unleashed the ‘Karen Scream.’ That's when the young lad revealed why he was seated where he was and exposed her for what she was.

Read on for the full story:

Thumbnail Image: Joël de Vriend

The Story



The Comments

Commenters were quick to condemn the actions of the woman and applaud the actions of the young man for putting her in his place. Even commenting that “They want to meet this hero and shake his hand.”



















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