Animal Comedy Newsletter

TikTokers are Jamming with an Adorable Cockatiel Who is Laying Day a Sick Beat


Birds are the most musically inclined of all the animals. They are constantly making beats and melodies while they're in the trees trying to say whatever it is they're saying to each other. Did you know, that certain bird sounds can trigger stress relief in humans? Just think about it, those long summer nights when you'd hear that morning dove in the distance as you happily play with your friends? Or the faint cluck of chickens when you live on a farm? These are all sounds that tend to feel calmed by. 


Now let's combine that with our favorite funky fresh beats. If you like a song, of course it's going to put you in a better mode. So what if that sick beat is being laid down by a cute bird? That sounds like the ultimate dopamine rush. The viral TikTok bird YumYum is a cockatiel who is very vocal and very musical. One of his videos of him laying down a catchy beat has gone viral and other TikTokers are dueting it with him.


YumYum the Cockatiel (original video)


YumYum has laid down this beat before, but only recently has it been made available to duet or use as a sound on TikTok. Musicians and artists alike are pairing up with the video and sweet talented YumYum to add to this killer song. Hopefully, it'll become a fully formed song by other's contributions and go straight to the Grammys. 


Add Drums

Add Keys

Add Bass


We've got a drummer, a keys player, and bass player coming in hot making this beat sick as ever. More musicians add to get all the time via the app and skyrocketing YumYum to viral fame. One person even takes the sound and puts it into Garageband to create a cool break down to add to any DJs set. 


Get that Sh*t on Garageband


Maybe YumYum will form a band and we can start seeing him live. Or at least let's start getting this cutie birbs tunes on some sort of streaming services to his fans can jam out to him all day and fellow musicians can keep adding to the cockatiel's greatness. 



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