
14 Enlightening Evolution Memes That Darwin Would Smile Down Upon

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    Fish - Land: Come over Tetrapods: I can't, I'm busy defending my niche and fighting for food Land: terrestrial vertebrates haven't evolved to exploit my resources Tetrapods:
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  • 2
    Cat - evolution can you give me toxoplasmosis to make prey less scared of you? actually yeeeeeees forms social bond with human like a boss fren time
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    F U T U R E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #historymemes #historymeme #history #homosapiens #homoerectus #homohabilis #evolution #evolutionmemes #sciencememes #anthropology #biology

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    Brown bear - Hey evolution can you to Live at higher altitudes? give me a better respitory system? actually yeeeeeees Grows Flippers and swims like a boss Pinniped Time
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  • 5
    Organism - Hey evolution can you give me limbs? to move through the water more easily? actually Invades уeеееееes Land like a boss Terrestrial Time
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    sAuRiScHiAn HiP ???oNe #memes #funny #funnymemes #historymemes #sciencememes #evolution #lol #help #dinosaur #birds #evolutionmemes #maps #slovenia

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  • 7
    Organism - Evolution can you give me scales To have protection? for protection actually colonises land and diversifies into numerous reptilian |classes, leadiag to the evolution of birds and mammals Jike a boss au asssceusoutroup taxa Yeeees. African Asian anus at Dinosaur time, sououeu ueuea aqnd
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    Dinosaur - Since hair isn't preserved in fossils, We can't rule out the possibility that Dinosaurs looked like this.
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    Text - evolution Dude off! F mentalalchemy: Ilaughed too loudly at this
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    Ye - - - - - - - - - - - - - #funny #explorepage #expore #follow #gain #like #relateable #relatable #comedy #spooky #memethief #stolen #memes #wholesomememes #sciencememes #evolutionmemes #evolution #brain #memepage

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  • 11
    Organism - Evolution can you To live on land? give me lungs for land Actually like a boss Goes back Yeeees. the water WHALE timn DMA
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    @arnaldpomotz I sincerely hope you guys can enjoy this as much as I do??

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    Cartoon - EBolution can you give me WINGS No FLY? to Yeee- Wait, what? SAID imma do it anyways ΨΙΑΝΕΤΙΜ
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