[X] Tyrannosaurus Rekt
[X] Shrekt the Third
[X] Rekt-It Ralph
[X] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrekt
[X] North by Northrekt
[X] Rekt marks the spot
[X] Caught rekt handed
[X] Star Trekt
[X] Lord of the Rings: The Rekturn of the King
[X] The Rekt Prince of Bel-Air
[X] Rektbox One
[X] Catcher in the Rekt
[X] Forrekt Gump
[X] Squares and rektangles
[X] Rektal Exam
[X] The Good, the Bad and the Rekt
[X] E.T. the Extra-Terrektstrial
[X] Tom Clancy's Rektbow Six Siege