
Girl Gets Ring Stuck on Her Finger, Goes Viral for Sharing Her Saga That Ends at the Fire Station


Anybody who has ever tried on a ring has that instant panic of “will this come off…” Even if the ring is a perfect fit, your heart still skips a beat when you're yanking it off. Some people even get into the predicament because they put a ring on years ago, gain a little weight, and then realize that they've grown around the ring and it ain't coming off… 


What goes through your head when a ring is not coming off your finger? Do you think you'll have to get your finger chopped off? How does a person even take off a ring once it's wedged on there? Can your finger die and fall off if it loses circulation due to this small AF ring trapped on your stubby little finger?? It's a rush of thoughts and possibilities, but TikToker @eluude recently cleared up the actual process.


Stuck Ring


This TikToker put on a ring and panic instantly took over her body. The ring is obviously too small and extremely tight on her finger. As she works to try and take it off herself by putting oils on it etc. you can see her finger swelling larger and larger and her panic turn to fear. In the video's caption she asks who's going to take her to the ER?? But she never ended up at the ER, though she did leave with some battle wounds. 


After trying herself to no avail, she decided to take a walk to the jewelers. In the video you see the jeweler working as hard as he can on getting this ring off, but he just couldn't swing it. In a last desperate attempt to free her finger from her ring prison, she went to the local fire station. Though firemen are trained to deal with more dire situation, usually pertaining to fire, they were the heroes to this epic saga. 


The were able to wiggle a metal plate under the ring and then just sawed away. “i seriously have micro ptsd and still feel it there sometimes," she says in the comments. The ring was finally broken away from her finger and a wave of relief went over here. However, she did leave with some wounds on the finger victim. 


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