
So, Neil Patrick Harris Might Be a Really Bad Guy


To me, Neil Patrick Harris has always seemed like a chill dude. Though I'm not proud of it, I spent quite a few years following How I Met Your Mother, in which he plays the incredibly annoying yet ultimately sweet Barney. The character is, dare I say, legendary. I'd always assumed that the actor was somewhat like his character, except a dad, and gay. Well, it turns out I was probably wrong. 

This revelation came courtesy of a tweet from Ashley Reese (@offbeatorbit) - who expressed shock over the fact that people over 25 don't know about Neil Patrick Harris' Amy Winehouse cake. 

This tweet made me feel attacked, but not nearly as attacked as my eyes when they actually saw the damn thing. I'm not embedding it here. It's too messed up. Seriously, click that link at your own risk. It's worse than you might think. 

The cake is disturbing. So is the fact that NPH would actually find it funny. It seems that the internet is in agreement here, especially with so many of us just learning about this disgusting move.

Some users shared their own anecdotes of Neil Patrick Harris being slightly shitty to majorly shitty.

Despite being shared just yesterday, Ashley's tweet has clearly had a big impact on the internet. Look at Google.

We're not waving our pitchforks quite yet, but this story, and the anecdotes feel pretty damn revealing. What do you think? Should people have to apologize for the tasteless actions of their past? 




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