Señor GIF

Top Thirty GIFs Of All Time

  • A spectator at PyeongChang.

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  • Father reflexes.

  • The Finnish Ski Jumping team. 

  • These elementary students threw a surprise birthday party for the school's janitor. 

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  • Trump boarding an Air Force One plane with toilet paper on his shoe. 

  • A guy naturo running behind a reporter at the Storm Area 51 Protest.

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  • Weird Al Yancovic receiving his star on the Walk of Fame. 

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  • Bush telling Obama a joke while Clinton gives a speech.

  • This sums up how horses feel about the snow. 

  • Zuckerbot at a congress speech.

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  • Courtney Love giving young women in Hollywood valuable advice. 

  • It's all downhill from here.

  • Spotted in a Brazilian supermarket.

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  • Do you think this is a joke, Karen?

  • George Bush sneaking Michelle Obama some candy at his father's funeral. 

  • An interesting Dutch startup idea. 

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  • A woman ripping off her burqa after ISIS is driven out of Raqqa. 

  • That was fast.

  • We've all seen doggo reactions, but what about birdo reactions?

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  • Amazing aim.

  • Snow face.

  • They wouldn't let him take his margarita glass outside, so he improvised.  

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  • This guy was caught on camera at the Cohen's testimony. 

  • A monkey returning to it's family after two weeks healing from a leg injury. 

  • What happens when you go outside in the Mid-West with wet hair.

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  • Doggo saving pupper. 

  • A science teacher dunking for his students. 

  • Want to see a trick?

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  • It just wasn't his day.

  • A very, very tall door.


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