A spectator at PyeongChang.
Father reflexes.
The Finnish Ski Jumping team.
These elementary students threw a surprise birthday party for the school's janitor.
Trump boarding an Air Force One plane with toilet paper on his shoe.
A guy naturo running behind a reporter at the Storm Area 51 Protest.
Weird Al Yancovic receiving his star on the Walk of Fame.
Bush telling Obama a joke while Clinton gives a speech.
This sums up how horses feel about the snow.
Zuckerbot at a congress speech.
Courtney Love giving young women in Hollywood valuable advice.
It's all downhill from here.
Spotted in a Brazilian supermarket.
Do you think this is a joke, Karen?
George Bush sneaking Michelle Obama some candy at his father's funeral.
An interesting Dutch startup idea.
A woman ripping off her burqa after ISIS is driven out of Raqqa.
That was fast.
We've all seen doggo reactions, but what about birdo reactions?
Amazing aim.
Snow face.
They wouldn't let him take his margarita glass outside, so he improvised.
This guy was caught on camera at the Cohen's testimony.
A monkey returning to it's family after two weeks healing from a leg injury.
What happens when you go outside in the Mid-West with wet hair.
Doggo saving pupper.
A science teacher dunking for his students.
Want to see a trick?
It just wasn't his day.
A very, very tall door.