

people describing what happened when they woke up mid-surgery - cover pic story "I panicked and slapped the nurse. She slapped me back. Then they put me back under."

People Reveal Stories Of Waking Up Mid-Surgery

The stuff of nightmares
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We All Do This

Funny tweet about people using Q-tips to clean out their ears even though a doctor tells them not to | Connor Stone @connorstonehere Doctor: You shouldn't clean out your ears with Q-tips. Me: Yeah obviously, anyone who does that is an idiot. In my head: Except me. I clean my ears with Q-tips the smart way. 2:01 PM • 07 Feb 20 • Twitter for Android
Via CtpainBlkudder
Hospital Workers Reveal Dumb Things Patients Did Immediately After Leaving Hospital - cover pic somebody lit up a cigarette with nasal cannular on and lit their face on fire | CRRT93 66 points 2 hours ago Somebody lit up cigarette no smoking area) with nasal cannula on, and lit their face on fire. Had come right back into ER.

Hospital Workers Reveal Dumb Things Patients Did Immediately After Leaving

Some people are plain stupid
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Funny memes about people who work in healthcare | nurses can please have safe staffing ratios" hospital administrators codebluememes BEST CAN DO IS PIZZA | finally get difficult patient discharged and they show up next day StrongerNurse Spongebob inside a mailbox

Twenty-Six Healthcare Worker Memes Because The Pandemic Ain't Over Yet

Can. this. just. be. over. now.
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Poor Karen

Funny meme about how karens hate to wear masks | How doctors feel after wearing masks for 12 hours How Karen's feel after wearing it for 4 minutes
Via u/TheSheepicus
logo doctors designed handwriting bad logos doctor | McDonald's Mk Dominu lovin SADANDUSELESS.COM | Instagram logo MS paint

How Logos Would Look If Designed By Doctors

But why do all doctors have such bad handwriting?
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Funny memes about people who work in the healthcare profession | woman yelling at cat Patients who go hospital back pain at work who's had back pain since nursing school @thefacetiousmurse | Joker Wanna know got these scars codebluememes

Eighteen Healthcare Memes For The Heroes Who Deserve Some Damn Hazard Pay

Y'all deserve way more for your tireless efforts!
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Doctors share their best stories about people "asking for friends" when it was probably for them | Freyja_the_derpyderp 9h My father is doctor and he got call once middle night his call share doctors patient man asked do about bump on his "friends" arm he scratched and something came out. He mentioned leaking little oil now zit. He scratched pimple. Woke whole family up at 3 am because he had page my dad over zit.

Doctors' Best "Asking For A Friend" Stories

Those "friends" must feel so lucky.
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Informative Twitter thread about how hospitals are unprepared for covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, lack of supplies, medical | Evan Siegfried @evansiegfried Friend mine is nurse at major NYC hospital. Texted her see she's doing with pandemic she had say terrifying. First, she is trained blood pathology, but her whole department has been shifted Coronavirus response. 1/6 They're dangerously short on supplies. Her entire floor, roughly 30 people given two boxes masks total 100 hospital has told them

Chilling Twitter Thread Describes The Dire Situation At NYC Hospitals

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Doctor Faheem Younus debunks myths about coronavirus covid-19 | Faheem Younus, MD O @FaheemYounus 6/10 tired staying home. Is risky go out run? Go. Run. Jog. Laugh. Just don't do with loads people. Our air isn't contaminated with coronavirus. 9:22 PM 3/17/20 Twitter Web App

Doctor's Twitter Thread Debunks Common Coronavirus Myths

Knowledge is power.
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funny tweet surgery Anesthesia viral reality doctors surgeon patient | dickpic van dyke @youngcogan had surgery assumed they were giving aesthetic they'd count down ten like see on telly but instead czech nurse just looked down at and said "goodbye" andI gone laugh every time think about

Funny Viral Tweet About Reality Of Undergoing Anesthesia For Surgery

Turns out it's nothing like the movies...
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informative twitter thread from syed moin hassan about circadian rhytms, waking up late, sleep cycles | tweet by Syed Moin Hassan, M.D syedmoinhassan don't know who needs hear this BUT ARE NOT LAZY IF ARE WAKING UP AT NOON have spent hours with patients with delayed circadian sleep phase trying destigmatize sleeping late and waking up late. 1/4

Doctor's Twitter Thread Brilliantly Destigmatizes Waking Up Late

Everyone's different.
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Funny memes about doctors and patients | doctor tells take medicine at 10 but take at 9 so can surprise virus stonks medical meme man helth in white coat | stock photo patient doc hurts touch my shoulder then don't touch that be $60

Doctor Memes For Anyone Trying To Avoid Those Medical Bills

Okay, don't actually skip going to the doctor.
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Short Tumblr thread explains how shorthand writing works | Red @redgermz Saw this on Facebook and sent my brother, who is pharmacist. Unsa man na b 10:29 AM Paracetamol atrophied Using Gregg Alphabet as reference can see most letters atrophied" are present. But why no "o" vowel, and why is "ph" written as "f Simple shorthand cut out all vowels word writing down, with exception words BEGIN or END with vowel (hence at start being present or like atrophied make more readable sound could be harder

Quick Tumblr Thread Explains Shorthand Writing

Seems just a little bit unnecessary.
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Oh, Dads

Funny meme that reads, "My dad recently got a 3D printer and made a stool sample for his doctor. New dad joke level = unlocked" above a photo of someone holding a sample container with a tiny stool inside
Via anlyin
funny random memes, stupid memes, baby yoda memes, star wars memes, doctors, bad handwriting, doctors having bad handwriting meme, funny tweets, relatable | Doctors have gone on strike but their demands are unclear. at Italian restaurant while waiter covers my dish parmesan cheese.

Dumb Memes For When There's Nothing Better To Do

Humans can have a little memes as a treat.
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