

'I know exactly what must be done': Karen takes dude's spot at gas station, dude blocks her from leaving

'I know exactly what must be done': Karen takes dude's spot at gas station, dude blocks her from leaving

There's nothing like a ruthless Karen at a gas station getting exactly what she deserves!
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random-heroics road-rage rage road driving driver drive dangerous reported company company-car reddit petty-revenge revenge cops sheriff rogue hero

'I saw red': Road raging hero chases after a rogue work truck that nearly squashed a family on the freeway, bringing their recklessness to justice

Road rage is usually a bad thing. When you're behind the wheel and you start to see red, it's probably time to take a break from traffic and give your blood pressure a rest. Not in this case. In this situation, one man's road rage actually became a potential life saver after he witnessed a reckless driver nearly pancake an innocent family.
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‘My boss made me work 13 hours without a break': Employee quits job without giving notice, then drives 9 hours back home

‘My boss made me work 13 hours without a break': Employee quits job without giving notice, then drives 9 hours back home

Often when hearing of a good job opportunity, people are on their best behavior, hoping that they'll pass the interview. After they get the job, the pretty picture that the company carefully curated begins to crumble, leaving a gaping black hole behind the velvet curtains that turn out to be a prop. In this case, OP was convinced by a friend to drive 9 hours for a new job that sounded at first like a ‘good gig’. It took OP exactly 3.5 days to realize that something was very off about their boss…
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24 Memes for Passenger Princesses Who Loathe Driving

24 Memes for Passenger Princesses Who Loathe Driving

Don't even get us started on parallel parking
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cars, race cars, automobile, travel, fast, Fast and Furious, Driving, cool, cool accessories, speed, speeding, mechanic

Funniest Car Memes for Automobile Aficionados

Like it or not, gaining access to a car is a right of passage. It expresses a lot more than your first, unfettered chance to operate a massive object at a high speed throughout your area as a 16-year-old. It's beyond the danger of it. Getting a car is getting your first taste of full-on freedom as a teenager. Although you shouldn't, you could literally go anywhere, at anytime as long as you had the gas money. Here's hoping you were considerate to your protective parents, but the IDEA that you c…
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cops malicious compliance car malicious-compliance-reddit cars driving mechanic police vehicle towing - 21163269

'She left with the most... smug grin on her face': Customer flips out on mechanic who warns that her steering wheel is about to break

This car had some major issues — for one, the steering wheel was about to break off. There's a stereotype about mechanics. Some people think mechanics are only interested in trying to get money out of them. They believe that instead of a quick fix that costs a few dollars, that their mechanic is actually trying to get them to spend thousands of dollars to perform unnecessary work . To be fair, some mechanics do operate this way, and it's hard to figure out who's right – you, the person who driv…
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'Bad karma, buddy': Dude flips off neighbor after trying to park in someone else's assigned parking spot

'Bad karma, buddy': Dude flips off neighbor after trying to park in someone else's assigned parking spot

Contentious doesn't even begin to describe how people act about parking lots and getting the perfect spot. For many drivers, it's imperative to get a good spot, even if it takes some time of circling the lot, searching for a spot where no one else is parked too close. This lucky person, u/bizzzfire, wrote to r/AmItheA**hole with a question about a parking dispute. The OP writes that they were pretty sure they were doing the right thing by protecting their assigned spot, but after their interact…
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'I was devastated': Driving instructor tricks teen into failing their driving test

'I was devastated': Driving instructor tricks teen into failing their driving test

Tests exist to gauge understanding of a subject but often have the unfortunate effect of influencing the curriculum itself to achieve the best results for that test—even if that's not the best result for the students. Test designers and administrators are (usually) only humans themselves and are not free from the bias of their own perspectives and beliefs. Intentionally introducing a trick into the test that seeks to catch students out is probably unethical, especially when the test is one that…
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'That's a cross walk, not a parking spot': 20+ Drivers that need to practice parking

'That's a cross walk, not a parking spot': 20+ Breathtakingly bad parking jobs

If you drive, you already know how many people with licenses really shouldn't have received theirs. After all, lots of folks take drivers ed as a teenager, learn the rules well enough to pass their test, and then just keep driving for the rest of their lives without getting much better at it. Check out these hilariously parked people below (plus a few clever signs designed just to tell them off). Then, read this story about a waitress whose outfit choice was questioned by the diners she was ser…
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17 screenshots from reddit telling a story about a man who woke up his wife during a late night road trip while it was his shift because he was bored | Thumbnail includes a man and a woman in a car, the man is driving and the woman is sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window with an angry expression 'I felt isolated, so I shook her awake'

‘Stop Being Selfish and Help Keep Me Sane’: Husband Wakes Up Sleeping Wife While on a Late Night Road Trip Because He Is Bored

Trust us, we couldn't believe it either
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'I feel taken advantage of': Car owner won't to lend his vehicle to neighbor, neighborhood turns on him

'I feel taken advantage of': Car owner refuses to lend his vehicle to single mom after she dents it, neighborhood turns on him

Always be cautious who you let drive your car . Vehicles are pricey not just to purchase, but also to maintain. After that initial purchase, you still have to fill it up with gas and deal with any fender benders that might occur. That's enough for one person to deal with, but this guy lent his car to his neighbor, and she is far from gentle with his car. The OP shared the story with r/AmItheA**hole, seeking judgement for if he's been too harsh about revoking this woman's car privileges. However…
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fender bender texting while driving car texting and driving car memes cars driving memes car crash driving car accident - 20612869

20+ Memes You'll Feel to the Core to if You’ve Ever Been in a Fender Bender

These fender bender memes will lighten the mood of any car-related inconveniences on your mind.
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'When Tyrese and Luda went to space': At what point did the 'Fast and Furious' franchise take it way too far? Twitter answers

Forget about it cuh
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Heat revenge cold petty revenge driving entitled reddit thread Reddit rude - 20494597

'An ice cold move': Mechanic treated poorly by driving instructor, gets petty revenge by disabling heat in his vehicle

Always be kind to your mechanics!
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'[My] driveway is constantly blocked': Brooklyn resident asks for advice with parking issue

'[My] driveway is constantly blocked': Brooklyn resident infuriated by people parking in their driveway

New York parking is no joke. It's a battle at the best of times. If driving stresses you out, don't ever drive in New York City ! It's super stressful, and it's nearly impossible to ever find parking. Even in Brooklyn, where traffic tends to be lighter, parking problems still arise. One Brooklyn resident shared that they live near the beach (Maybe Coney Island? It's a popular tourist spot, though the OP didn't specify). Random people will constantly park in the OP's driveway. It must be infuria…
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ask reddit, people, noises, shopping, askreddit, driving, getting older, stupid people, noise, aging, social media, subreddit, reddit thread, partying, older, Reddit

People Discuss Things They Dislike More As They Get Older

Everything's much more annoying
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