

fender bender texting while driving car texting and driving car memes cars driving memes car crash driving car accident - 20612869

20+ Memes You'll Feel to the Core to if You’ve Ever Been in a Fender Bender

These fender bender memes will lighten the mood of any car-related inconveniences on your mind.
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fast-and-furious fast fast-x dominic-toretto driving cars action-movie action letty too-far reality twitter funny-tweets tweets hilarious unrealistic tweets

'When Tyrese and Luda went to space': At what point did the 'Fast and Furious' franchise take it way too far? Twitter answers

Forget about it cuh
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Heat revenge cold petty revenge driving entitled reddit thread Reddit rude - 20494597

'An ice cold move': Mechanic treated poorly by driving instructor, gets petty revenge by disabling heat in his vehicle

Always be kind to your mechanics!
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'[My] driveway is constantly blocked': Brooklyn resident asks for advice with parking issue

'[My] driveway is constantly blocked': Brooklyn resident infuriated by people parking in their driveway

New York parking is no joke. It's a battle at the best of times. If driving stresses you out, don't ever drive in New York City ! It's super stressful, and it's nearly impossible to ever find parking. Even in Brooklyn, where traffic tends to be lighter, parking problems still arise. One Brooklyn resident shared that they live near the beach (Maybe Coney Island? It's a popular tourist spot, though the OP didn't specify). Random people will constantly park in the OP's driveway. It must be infuria…
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ask reddit, people, noises, shopping, askreddit, driving, getting older, stupid people, noise, aging, social media, subreddit, reddit thread, partying, older, Reddit

People Discuss Things They Dislike More As They Get Older

Everything's much more annoying
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karens instant karma parking lot driving entitled karma karen parking entitled people traffic parking-drama driver-drama traffic-and-parking-stories entitled-people-stories - 20459525

'[She] ended up hitting the cruiser': Driver trying to cut up the shoulder in traffic runs into a conveniently placed police cruiser

This Karen thought that she could use the shoulder to skip a queue of traffic on the motorway, but when a semi-driver decided that he was going to have none of that and intervened, he caused her to crash into a conveniently placed police cruiser. The story was witnessed and shared to r/MaliciousCompliance by a truck driver, Redditor u/fmintar1. They shared this story to the popular subreddit to share how they got one up on this queue-dodging cretin. The types of people that do things like this…
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instant karma revenge entertaining-stories petty revenge driving driver jerk karma traffic-stories - 20347653

'I honked at him': Horn-honking pickup driver gets a taste of his own medicine

The honking of one's horn is a divisive subject; either you're someone who uses their horn frequently and liberally, or your car might as well not have had one installed in the first place. In my view, the horn is there for a reason: to make sure others are aware of your presence if you're concerned they're not already or to make them aware that the traffic light turned green ten seconds ago. Don't get me wrong; there is a multitude of ways that people abuse and misuse it—protecting your fragil…
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19 dogs driving or in cars

19 Direction Oriented Doggos Who Are Riding Shotgun In Cars And Helping Their Humans Navigate

Beep beep comin' through
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I put a fake note on a Corvettes windshield that read "Sorry I hit your car, you probably won't even notice the damage" because it was taking up four spots.

'You probably won't even notice': Driver shares their solution for dealing with a parking spot hog

No one actually needs four whole parking spots for their car, but this guy certainly felt entitled to them! Searching for parking spaces is time consuming while making you feel silly at the same time. You have to do endless loops around the lot, trying to find just one singular spot to park your car . You may even think you see a spot, but as you pull up, you spot a smaller car has already claimed the spot. So you do another lap, and another, and so on… The only thing that would worsen the expe…
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'They rearrange the grocery store': 25+ Things that get way more annoying the older you get

'They rearrange the grocery store': 25+ Things that get way more annoying the older you get

Growing older brings wisdom, but for these folks, it's also come with some irritations as well. Nothing ever stays the same. When you're a kid, you get used to life as it is, and then you grow up, and it's a whirlwind of new technology, meeting new people who go in and out of your life, careers, travel, and much more. It feels like you were a teenager just yesterday, but suddenly there are wrinkles under your eyes, and your knees are aching, and you have never heard of the slang these kids are…
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boyfriend aita FAIL driving girlfriend reddit thread Reddit security camera - 20101381

'AITA for posting a video of my girlfriend crashing her car?': Dude posts embarrassing video of GF and sells footage, friends and coworkers find the video

This guy has to know deep down that he's in the wrong here.
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humor grammar askreddit driving mildly infuriating Reddit spelling - 20042501

People of the Internet Share the Smallest Hills They're Willing to Die On

We all have our own petty causes that get us riled up. I think self-care routine videos are incredibly annoying and should be banned. Recently, Redditor u/hegotthedream asked the fine folks of r/AskReddit to share the “smallest hill” that they're willing to die on. The responses were quite interesting and revealed that everyone is passionate about some kind of small or stupid issue. Judging by the responses, one of the most common hills that people were willing to die on had to do with grammar…
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humor wtf modifications cars driving paint jobs drivers - 19956741

Messed-Up and Cringeworthy Cars Xzibit Would Scoff At

I may not have a driver's license as a New York native (there are way too many of us who still need ‘em) but that doesn’t mean I can't appreciate a good car. While my friends and I did enjoy watching Xzibit and his crew do some astounding vehicular makeovers, we know that having a fish tank and a television in a sedan is, well, pretty expensive and also rather impractical. We have grown to appreciate the simple pleasures of the heated leather seats of a Kia, or the longevity of a Toyota. We lik…
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trashy cars driving junk - 19867909

25+ Tricked-out junkyard jalopies that really shouldn't be driving anywhere

Lots of high-end cars in the world are stunningly souped-up… anyway, here are 25+ vehicles that are the exact opposite of that. People take such pride in their cars . After all, lots of us spend hours every week driving to work , stores, friends' houses, and more. Since it's such a source of pride, folks will spend thousands to make their rides as cool as possible. But clearly, as these people below can attest to, it doesn't always go quite right. Check out these bizarre cars. Then, this woman…
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family drama, dads, drive, fatherson, fatherhood, Misogyny, daughters, driving, driver, dad, fatherdaughter, family, daughter, drivers license, son, Father

'I tell him he is driving like a woman': Father Wants to Stop Teaching His Son to Drive After He Criticizes His Misogyny

Teaching your kids how to drive is no easy task. I gave my parents my fair share of scares when I was driving around with a learner's permit , or "temps," as some regions call it. My mom could drive with me in the high school football stadium parking lot, but that was about it. Beyond that, it was my dad's job to tell me when I was not in the lane, which was the problem 90% of the time when I was learning to drive. I was 15 years old and addicted to veering out of the lane. There are a lot of s…
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AITA for installing a GPS tracker in my 15 year old daughter's car?

Mom Installs GPS Tracker in Unlicensed Teen's Car & It backfires!

This Mom thought outlining the tires with chalk and installing a GPS tracker would stop her unlicensed teenage daughter from taking out her car when her parents weren't home. Rookie mistake.
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