

Russian Rocket Sums Up My Dreams

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Firework Factory Explosion

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Created by ani.s4 ( Via Youtube )

Russian Rocket Sums Up My Dreams

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Chinese soldiers fired artillery shells without using guns

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Created by SatevisM

That was all accurate!

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Created by mitchells2003

Shoulda Probably Put Another Fan In It

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Created by -HAPPYCAT-

Tank Fires and Hits Target

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Created by ToolBee

Darwin Award Candidate

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Created by anselmbe

Norwegian Naval Strike On Frigate

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Created by mondomix ( Via Youtube )

Massive Bridge Demolition in China

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When There's a War Between Two Fandoms You Aren't In

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Via Ccomic Sloth

Putting Tannerite in a Microwave is a Bad Idea

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There's a Genie in The Microwave

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Via Tackorama

Ancient War

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Putting Tannerite in a Microwave is a Bad Idea

FAILS yikes explosions gifs close call - 7374341120

Putting Tannerite in a Microwave is a Bad Idea

FAILS yikes explosions gifs close call - 7374341120