

'Ok then, I won't talk back': Fast food manager scolds new employee for 'lazing around,' gets upset when another employee calls her out

'Ok then, I won't talk back': Fast food manager scolds new employee for 'lazing around,' gets upset when another employee calls her out

This fast food worker could've avoided trouble, but instead, they decided to stick up for a teammate . Working in fast food means knowing exactly when you'll be busy during your shift. If you clock in at 11 AM, you can bet that the lunch rush will be starting within the hour. Some places plan for this, and add in additional staff members to help with the rush. Another popular strategy is bringing in the newest members of the team to work during the mealtime crunch. Apparently they think that le…
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'She started counting very fast from 1-10 [...] I cracked up laughing': Manager with anger issues fires server over hash browns order

'She started counting very fast from 1-10 [...] I cracked up laughing': Manager with anger issues fires server over hash browns order

Some managers need to learn to have some patience. Not every issue is worth the time and energy to throw a tantrum and get on a high horse. There are often far more important things to be done and far more productive ways to channel any frustrations. But when has a manager ever listened to what we have to say over here at FAIL Blog? This manager certainly did not take our advice. She also clearly had some major anger management issues, considering that when she confronted a server about a hash…
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34 Expectation vs reality fails | thumbnail includes two pictures of Expectation vs reality fails

When Dreams Crumble: 34 Hilarious Expectation vs. Reality Comparisons

Brace yourself for a reality check that's equal parts amusing and eye-opening
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'Best $60 I ever made': Steak-eating diners get caught in torrential downpour after refusing to dine indoors

'Best $60 I ever made': Steak-eating diners get caught in torrential downpour after refusing to dine indoors

These diners bet against Mother Nature and lost badly. That's what happens when you think you know better than everyone around you! The weather is not something any of us can control. If we could, we'd happily stop hurricanes and tornados in their tracks. But of course, human beings can't stop hundreds of thousands of raindrops or snowflakes from falling to Earth. It's halfway through the 2020s, if we could have this technology, someone would've invented it by now. No, all we have for now is um…
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pancake, pancakes, food, food memes, eating, cooking, cooking memes, memes, funny, funny memes

20+ Pancake Memes For Going Big on Fat Tuesday

All whisked up
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20 pictures of dogs begging for food

Hungry Doggos Adorably Begging For Food In The Funniest Of Fashions

Mm mm good
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'He ripped us off': Following dinner at restaurant, group hands friend money to pay server, but he keeps the tip for himself

'He ripped us off': Following dinner at restaurant, group hands friend money to pay server, but he keeps the tip for himself

The tipping culture these days is something that has definitely gotten out of hand. Setting aside the ridiculous expectations that people should be tipped for even the smallest of services, even hardworking waiters and servers should be getting their money from their employers, and not have to rely on tips from customers. Still, this is how things are, and a large percentage of waiters' income is in fact, from tips. Which is why this Reddit story is so infuriating. OP went out to dinner with th…
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‘What were you thinking?’: Man irresponsibly tests out his boyfriend's fish allergy during dinner, leading to a dispute at the table

‘What were you thinking?’: Man irresponsibly tests out his boyfriend's fish allergy during dinner, leading to a dispute at the table

Food allergies are no joke, and most of the time, no one treats them as jokes either. Whether it is schools with a ‘no peanuts' policy or gluten-free restaurants, there is so much awareness of food restrictions, that you can pretty much get by even with a life-threatening one. But you have to have a supporting surrounding, and people who are going to make sure you don't eat anything that could be bad for you. This Redditor shared his experience with his food allergy to fin fish and the way his…
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You want strict compliance Mr. Food Service Driver, you get it.

'I wasn't signing anything until I had everything counted': Restaurant manager doesn't receive credit for missing food from vendor, cue malicious compliance!

If you feel like you're being cheated by a company's messed up policy, make things harder for them!
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donuts, burger, ramen, pizza, food memes, cursed food, cheeseburger, sandwich, funny food photos, gross food, ranch, food, junk food, burgers, fast food, cookies

30+ Food Memes For Hungry Foodies Who Love to Eat

She has the meats
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cooking, cook, food, food memes, kitchen, in the kitchen, kitchen gadget, chef, chefs, pan, appliance, niche memes, memes, funny memes, relatable memes, cooking memes

20+ Cast Iron Pan Memes for Well-Seasoned Bros

Out of the frying pan, into the fire
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'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

The food sector is fast-paced, exact, competitive, inventive, and, let's face it, merciless. Like any industry, there are benefits as well as drawbacks. Still, do you think it's a field worth getting into? Below is the tale of a caterer who can meet a wide range of dietary needs. As a result, the majority of the customers they serve ask for professionally prepared menu items. The business was doing well and everything was going smoothly until one day a new customer, a group that supports food a…
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parenting, niece, uncle, sister-in-law, pizza, leftovers, food, takeout, behavior, reddit, aita, reddit thread, argument

'She had a crying fit': Uncle gives bratty niece leftovers instead of pizza, invokes wrath of sister-in-law

No treats for her
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‘I know inflation is crazy, but this is nuts’: Duo spending $1,300 on groceries every month scores 32+ tips from frugal altruists

Watching the grocery store cashier ring up your food items, makes every working-class shopper rethink that second box of gourmet cookies. As the receipt tallies your haul of hunted and gathered groceries, it's hard not to think of those days when a family of four could live off of a $20 grocery store run for a whole week– nowadays, $20 gets you a box of lettuce, 12 eggs, and a cluster of bananas (if you're lucky).
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A Taco Stuffed with Silly Salsa, Humor and Memes

A Taco Stuffed with Silly Salsa, Humor and Memes

Hungry for memes? We gotcha.
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31 Memes for Anyone Starving to Understand What it Means to Date the Ultimate Foodie

31 Memes for Anyone Starving to Understand What it Means to Date the Ultimate Foodie

True Love is Never Too Cheesy When You Fall in Love With a Foodie
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