

It's a Shame Those Earbuds Are so Weak and Quiet...

genius headphones - 8054164480

It's a Shame Those Earbuds Are so Weak and Quiet...

genius headphones - 8054164480

Great, Thanks For Reminding Me!

you dont say headphones computer guy - 8030572032
Created by CrazyCalvinWilliams

We've All Been There

headphones justin bieber - 7999916800

We've All Been There

headphones justin bieber - 7999916800

Why I Love Headphones

headphones web comics - 7995541760
Via Doghouse Diaries

Happens Every Time

headphones - 7991617024
Created by Gremliin01

Door Handles Are Evil

headphones Memes the most interesting man in the world - 7960625152
Via GolfFan

Erector Set Fix

headphones there I fixed it - 7948140032

Erector Set Fix

headphones there I fixed it - 7948140032

Perfect For Lo-Fi Music

wtf headphones - 7948309760

This is the Worst Possible Thing to Leave at Home

headphones Sad - 7946785280

Seriously, Try It!

3DS headphones Pokémon sweet jesus - 7924814592
Created by IStartedWithYellowVersion

Headphone Splint

headphones there I fixed it - 7919089408
Created by le_boss36 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Headphone Splint

headphones there I fixed it - 7919089408
Created by le_boss36 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

No Ear Left Out Here

headphones puns Music - 7902533120