
oddly satisfying

Hotel Guest Demands VIP Service After She Messed Up Her Own Hotel Reservation, Gets Car Stolen Instead

Hotel Guest Demands VIP Service After She Messed Up Her Own Hotel Reservation, Gets Car Stolen Instead

As they say, ‘What goes around, comes around'. The way you treat those around you serves as a glimpse into the future because, eventually—perhaps not today or tomorrow—that is how you will also be treated. The story that follows is an excellent example of how Karma never lets us down. OP works as a front desk agent in a high-end hotel. She was working the morning shift this particular weekend when an entitled guest walked into the hotel. OP knew the woman would be in trouble as soon as she set…
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'You messed with the wrong mama...': Woman Schools Competative Sister-In-Law After She Takes It One Step Too Far

'You messed with the wrong mama...': Woman Schools Competative Sister-In-Law After She Takes It One Step Too Far

All of us have admitted to occasionally telling white lies. Could we just be honest and tell the truth? Probably..., if we could, would we want to go back in time and behave differently? absolutely not. Unfortunately, there are times when, for whatever reason, the truth is far worse than the lie. In the story below, a frustrated woman has had enough of her sister-in-law's shenanigans. The sister-in-law has finally pushed OP to the brink after years of disrespect. What did the sister-in-law do t…
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'Your wish is my command': Bookkeeper ends up costing their company a fortune after demanding employees take 'cost effective' routes to work

'Your wish is my command': Bookkeeper ends up costing their company a fortune after demanding employees take 'cost effective' routes to work

An excellent example of the saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' is the business world. Even while everything appears ideal from the outside, things aren't always bright and sunny on the inside. The story that follows is from a resentful employee who has to commute every single day between the main office and his secondary office. Everything was going great, and OP was doing rather well despite spending long hours on the road; however, when a new bookkeeper joined the company, everything to…
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'Sounds like a you problem now': Woman denies neighbor access to building's washing machine after neighbor throws all her clothes out on basement floor

'Sounds like a you problem now': Woman denies neighbor access to building's washing machine after neighbor throws all her clothes out on basement floor

Our small flat during college housed six girls. Although we had a great relationship and enjoyed sharing our home, laundry day always seemed to bring problems. To be honest, we all wish we had thought of this strategy while we were in college. Now let's get back to business: everything seemed to be going OK until OP decided to utilize the laundry facilities downstairs. OP discovers that her clothing has been left wet and strewn on the floor when she returns to the common area precisely sixty mi…
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'Single mom roomie threatens legal action over vegetables': Woman Tampers With Food To Ensure Roommate's Kid Stops Eating It

'Single mom roomie threatens legal action over vegetables': Woman Tampers With Food To Ensure Roommate's Kid Stops Eating It

Sometimes, the way you say something matters more than the actual words you speak. People occasionally forget that the inspirational wise words our parents constantly repeated to us when we were little can actually save us from a great deal of hardship. The story below is an account of a frustrated roommate. OP's apartment is shared with both a child and a single mother. Occasionally, they would take portions of OP's food for themselves. But, now, in contrast to when they initially moved in, mo…
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'I wouldn't budge': Tenant finds a clever way to get even with landlord after finding landlord's family members in their swimming pool, reciting terms of lease right back to him

'I wouldn't budge': Tenant finds a clever way to get even with landlord after finding landlord's family members in their swimming pool, reciting terms of lease right back to him

Renting a house from a third party has benefits and drawbacks. Of course, maintenance is one of the apparent benefits, but no matter how lovely or cozy the apartment is, the drawbacks, depending on how severe they are, can make or break a transaction. In the story below, OP is working at the job of his dreams. His employer has ensured that he would be as comfortable as possible in his new role by arranging for the necessary accommodations beforehand. Theoretically, everything could not have gon…
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'It took them over 12 years to do what I requested': Bank declines customer's request to close account over $0.51 in remaining funds

'It took them over 12 years to do what I requested': Bank declines customer's request to close account over $0.51 in remaining funds

It's funny how, as kids, we think that adults are the best at everything. They are free to do as they please, whenever they please, and with whoever they like. They are free to live their lives as they see fit with no one directing them what to do or how to do it. However, that is completely untrue. It's fascinating to notice that, no matter how passionately we remember and want it, that innocent feeling of freedom we so vividly recall from childhood has faded and disappeared and is unlikely ev…
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'You need to leave': Girl Forces Roommate to Vacate Apartment So She Can Throw a Party

'You need to leave': Girl Forces Roommate to Vacate Apartment So She Can Throw a Party

Having roommates can either be a blessing or a curse. They could be your biggest enemy or your best friend. But how would you respond if your roommate forced you to vacate the apartment so she could have a party? The man in the following story is frustrated because his roommate ‘kindly’ suggested he leave the apartment so she could host a party for her friends, and he is not welcome or invited. I think we can all agree that she is extremely insensitive—after all, my brother is obliged to love m…
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New Hire Takes Employer's Clientele and Opens a New Salon One Block Away

New Hire Takes Employer's Clientele and Opens a New Salon One Block Away

The business world is not always kind. Individuals are not ashamed to take your ideas to increase their chances of success and fame, nor are they scared to tread on each other to get a little extra cash. In the story below, a driven hair salon owner chooses to provide her new hires with the best training she can afford. She would pay for master classes and generally go above and beyond to make sure her employees are skilled in both hair and beauty. However, the new hire chose to leave the salon…
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'We take care of those who take care of us': Local bar loses half its clientele after doorman confiscates Navy Seal's military ID while refusing him entry

'We take care of those who take care of us': Local bar loses half its clientele after doorman confiscates Navy Seal's military ID while refusing him entry

I have had the privilege of getting to know soldiers over the years, and when I say that their bond is unbreakable, I mean that they will stop at nothing to ensure that the people they love are taken care of. Whether they like it or not, they are now a family, and families stick together through good times and bad. There are many stories, like the one below, about troops sticking together. However, the story below is of an active-duty trooper who was denied entry into a local bar shortly after…
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Woman Teaches Roommate a Lesson After He Eats Her Food, Leaving Homecooked Meal Out Overnight

Woman Teaches Roommate a Lesson After He Eats Her Food, Leaving Homecooked Meal Out Overnight

I'll say it again for the benefit of those in the back: revenge is always best served cold. They ought to be completely taken aback by it and not notice anything unusual, and only then will you be able to genuinely experience the fulfilling sense of success and achievement. But what about unintentional retaliation—does it fit the bill? Are you still experiencing that amazing sense of fulfillment and contentment? The answer is unquestionably yes! The story that follows is the tale of an angry ro…
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'I'm never touching your truck again': Neighborly ritual goes wrong, leading to resident's refusal to assist his neighbor after a snowstorm

'I'm never touching your truck again': Neighborly ritual goes wrong, leading to resident's refusal to assist his neighbor after a snowstorm

Keeping a cordial relationship with your neighbors is vital. It's the kind of connection where I scratch your back and you scratch mine. You don't have to be best buddies who hang out 24/7, but at the very least, you should be considerate of them. The story below is an account of a frustrated and petty neighbor. This man is one of the nicest people I've ever heard of, so don't let his current status fool you. I would stop at nothing to have him as a neighbor. It was a wintry, stormy night when…
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'I forgot to put on my shoes': Employees Share the Top Reasons They Had to Take a Day off Work

'I forgot to put on my shoes': Employees Share the Top Reasons They Had to Take a Day off Work

I came across a funny Reddit thread while scrolling around and it made me nostalgic for the past. One of our Redditor friends wanted to know some of the reasons we had to call in sick or late to work. While I was still in high school, I used to work as a store employee in our neighborhood mall. To make sure I always had some extra money on hand in case I needed it, I would work a few times a week after school. The story goes like this: one chilly winter's day, I had to call in sick to work with…
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'He can hike back to town for all I care': Employee abandons manager on side of road and refuses to drive back to work

'He can hike back to town for all I care': Employee abandons manager on side of road and refuses to drive back to work

Workplace bullies are the worst for an obscene amount of reasons. The first is that you couldn't leave even if you wanted to because you came here to work, not to have fun. So either you give in to the bully or lose it and end up losing your job. The story that follows is about an emerging adult who is entering the workforce for the very first time. Unfortunately, OP had to deal with the worst workplace bully I have ever heard of. Nevertheless, as fate would have it, OP saw his chance and seize…
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Uncle Carries Out Wholesome Plan For Payback After Father Fails to Fulfil Parental Duties

Uncle Carries Out Wholesome Plan For Payback After Father Fails to Fulfil Parental Duties

As appropriate for the Christmas season, keep in mind the famous saying that says ‘It's not the gift, but the thought that counts’. This kind of thinking can save a great deal of grief and disappointment. But what happens if the giver is only considering the cost? Their only concerns are the appearance and reactions of others, but the gift itself can be anything as long as it is pricey. While browsing on the web, I encountered a story that piqued my interest. The story below is an account of a…
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'You asked for this!': Team of employees humble micromanaging boss by taking four times as long to complete a task

'You asked for this!': Team of employees humble micromanaging boss by taking four times as long to complete a task

I think we've all had to deal with a smug and entitled manager at some point in our lives. My personal experience has shown me that it's simpler to find a method of working with them as opposed to confronting them outright. The story that follows is about a dissatisfied employee who works in a shipyard that specializes in ship repair and refitting. We are talking about a hardworking blue-collar worker. But things take a bitter turn when the entitled manager—who is occasionally referred to as EB…
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